This page lists the various applications of the Entrepreneurship for Kids Program and Galit Zamler's activities in Israeli schools and abroad.
Schools in Israel and around the world teach this entrepreneurship curriculum for kids.
The EFK program is listed on the Israeli Ministry of Education external programs stock.
The EFK program is approved by the Israeli Ministry of Education, and can be found on its website - program number 1741.
The reviews and recommendations of the program are available here.
The program illustrates the entrepreneur's path for students, teaches them the entrepreneurial skills which are essential to success in life in the 21st century, emphasizes the children's strengths, and conveys the message that everyone can succeed in their own way.
The program is modular and includes a variety of issues from the entrepreneurial arena, personal development, and individual empowerment.
The program is fitted for the k-12 education system and can be applied in schools independently after training. Click here to read about it in detail.
The program objective is to empower our future generation and allow children to gain knowledge and essential skills for success in a dynamic world, within the school framework.
EFK program in the Czech Republic
Starting in February 2024, the EFK program will expand to the Czech Republic under the Skills4Future brand, headed by Eva Dubinska Broschova.
A few months ago, Eva acquired a franchise to distribute the Vickathon format in her country. Now, she is expanding the scope of the license to distribute the Entrepreneurship for Kids program as well.
SPARSH GLOBAL SCHOOL in India Implements the EFK Program
Starting in August 2023, students of SPARSH GLOBAL SCHOOL from Greater Noida in India are learning entrepreneurship classes based on the Israeli EFK program.
Educators trained by Galit Zamler teach the program.
The EFK Program in Brazil
Mara and Sheila are intimately familiar with Brazil's education system.
Both felt that studies, as they are today, do not prepare students for real life.
They were looking on the internet for an entrepreneurship program adapted for children, and that's how they found Galit Zamler.
They underwent training to teach the program and established SeedLabs company, through which they translated the program into Portuguese.
After about two years of activity, they concluded that more time would be needed for the Brazilian education system to be ready to adopt such an advanced program.
The EFK Program at a School in Tanzania
After examining several international entrepreneurship programs, Tanganyika School decided to teach the Israeli EFK Program.
Students in the 2nd to 12th grades learned entrepreneurship lessons under the guidance of their teachers who had undergone Zoom training with Galit Zamler.
The EFK Program in the United States
Approximately 150 classroom centers throughout the United States taught the EFK program in 2021-2022.
The franchisee of the program is the CAP Center organization.
The program was integrated into the classes that CAP centers offered to students aged six and up.
The organization ended its operations in 2023.
Hebrew Academy School, Miami Beach, Florida, USA
The Hebrew Academy Jewish School in Miami Beach, USA, has taught its students the Israeli EFK program for two years.
Rabbi Avi Bossewitch, the Dean of Academics and Innovation, chose the program over others, and accompanied the process of its implementation in the school.
Teachers Hani, Angie and Javier teach sixth-grade students entrepreneurial lessons.
Even after three years, teacher Chani wrote that she had learned a lot from the program and that it was eye-opening.
The Israeli Entrepreneurship Program in South Africa
As of January 2021, the Entrepreneurship for Kids Program is also expanding to South Africa.
Three partners got a license and founded a company called ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOR KIDS SOUTH AFRICA LTD to bring the Israeli methodology for entrepreneurial education from an early age to schools in their country.
The Israeli Entrepreneurship Program at a School in Brazil
In Brazil, the Maple Bear School, led by Jose Elias Cavalcanti, has joined those teaching the Israeli Entrepreneurship For Kids Program starting in the 2021 school year.
School teachers teach second-to fifth-graders entrepreneurship classes.
The Israeli Entrepreneurship Program in China and Hong Kong
In October 2020, an annual entrepreneurship course for children began at the Bridgman Language Education School, headed by Mrs. Tess.
The course is taught by distance learning and is delivered by Galit Zamler.
In August 2018, children in China and Hong Kong took part in an Entrepreneurship Summer Camp (ESC) and after-school activities based on the EFK program and delivered by MayWay company.
The first group of students, ages 9-15, participated in a summer camp, during which they learned about the subject of entrepreneurship as well as different types of business models. They were encouraged to think creatively and positively and to work as a team.
Later, more after-school courses were opened in China and Hong Kong. Students in those courses, studied entrepreneurship, according to the Israeli method.
Read the facilitators' feedback and their impressions of how the course contributed to the children's education and skills.
The EFK Program in Papua New Guinea
Students in Papua New Guinea will learn life skills based on the Israeli EFK Program.
Mrs. Shirley Lotu Sangul, the CEO of GLOBAL OLIVE TREE LTD company, intends to prepare the young generation in her country for the evolving world.
Shirley was searching the Internet for an Israeli entrepreneurship program because she knows that Israel is considered a startup nation and an innovative and advanced country.
EFK and the Youth Entrepreneurship Program in Vietnam
Students from Vietnam learn to apply the Israeli EFK and the Youth Entrepreneurship Program.
Entrepreneurial education is close to the heart of Mr. Nguyen. He has extensive experience as an entrepreneur and as a lecturer, and he is enthusiastic about promoting the program in his country.
After they completed extensive training with Galit Zamler in Israel, Mr. Ngyuen, along with this team, teach the program in training centers.
Carengrow Company in India Taught the EFK Program
In 2019, the Carengrow company from India purchased a franchise to teach the EFK program.
The company, headed by Dr. Meghana and with the support of the Andhra Pradesh government, trained teachers to teach the entrepreneurship program in schools.
Mr. Winny Patro, who was in charge of innovation in education in the Andhra Pradesh government in India, examined the program and explained that since Israel is considered one of the most entrepreneurial countries in the world, India prefers to implement its method of entrepreneurship education.
The Indian team arrived in Israel for a training session in May of 2019.
As a result of the Covid-19 epidemic, the company stopped teaching the program.
Seanovation & Tzviya Eilat Yeshiva
A new and unique collaboration of the Youth Entrepreneurship Program with:
Seanovation - An international innovation and entrepreneurship center in Eilat, focusing on biotechnology and marine agriculture, which incubates, accelerates, and mentors ventures in the field.
And Tzviya Eilat Yeshiva - a high school specializing in marine education. Its biotechnology track emphasizes hydroponics and aquaponics.
Tzviya students participate in an intensive, practical business entrepreneurship course as part of this joint project.
In the course, they learn the entire process of developing an idea into a business venture.
At the end of the process, the students will present their biotechnology ventures to a panel of industry judges to win professional mentorship and support for further project development.
Galit Zamler thanks Adi Yadgar and Omer Polak for their trust.
Amal Nofarim in Tiberias
At Amal Nofrim Middle School in Tiberias, an entrepreneurship track was opened this year for seventh and eighth-grade students.
Teachers Ohad and Yasmin are undergoing training and are the ones who teach the students.
Ramon School in Rehovot
The principal of Ramon School in Rehovot, Pnina Weinstein, has been familiar with the entrepreneurship program for children since her days as the principal of Hayovel School in Ashdod.
Now, Pnina has also chosen to bring the program to Ramon School, which she started managing last year.
The program will be taught to 5th and 6th-grade students under their homeroom teachers.
In addition, Galit Zamler leads a four-session entrepreneurship course for all 5th and 6th-grade classes to initiate the process they will later undergo with their teachers.
The Social Accelerator in Be'er Sheva
Galit Zamler is leading a series of training sessions for the core team of the Social Accelerator for Youth Empowerment in Be'er Sheva.
The purpose of the training is to provide professional guidance and training for the Youth Department staff in meaningful social entrepreneurship, developing personal and professional excellence, and acquiring tools and skills to lead social innovation.
For Galit, this is her first experience with non-formal education. She sees it as a great privilege to promote entrepreneurship, lead social change, and encourage youth to participate actively and influence the environment beyond the walls of schools.
Ten social accelerator team members are participating in the practical training. Afterward, they will be able to disseminate the knowledge in the city to make a significant impact.
Revivim School in Holon
The principal of Revivim School in Holon, Jocelyn Koren, searched online for a program that would align with the school's values and content.
Her first choice was Galit Zamler's entrepreneurial skills program, and she decided to teach it to all students in grades 2-6 after receiving a recommendation from another principal who had already taught it.
Galit trains a team of about 20 teachers to teach the program.
Bait V'Gan Darca High School - Bat Yam
Lehava Salamhe, the principal of the high school division at Bait V'Gan Darca, a religious girls' school, received a recommendation about Galit Zamler's entrepreneurship program from the principal of the middle school at the religious boys' high school, Achiyah.
Following her recommendation, an entrepreneurship class was opened for 7th graders at the school, led by the homeroom teacher, Hodaya Yonaiev.
Brenner School in Givatayim
Brenner School in Givatayim was among the first to teach Galit Zamler's entrepreneurship program in 2012.
At the time, Mazal Shelev taught entrepreneurship lessons in the Amirim (gifted) class. Since then, Mazal has become the school principal, and this year, she requested expanding the program to all 3rd-6th-grade classes.
Be'eri School in Netanya
The Be'eri school in Netanya, under the administration of Amalia Holvinger,
Since 2015, the Be'eri school in Netanya, under the management of Amalia Holvinger, has been teaching the Entrepreneruship for Kids program.
Over the years, the school staff has undergone training sessions with Galit Zamler and continues to use the program's materials as a school that fosters social and environmental entrepreneurship.
"Bechor Levi" School in Rehovot
This is the fifth year teacher Mali Ben Simhon has been teaching the EFK program at the school.
Mali received training and program materials at the time. Since then, she has used the content and promoted entrepreneurship education among her students yearly.
"Sadot" School in Pardes Hana-Karkur
Since its establishment, the Sadot School, under Talmor Kloss's leadership, has fostered entrepreneurial students with the help of our entrepreneurship program for children.
Over the years, the school staff has met several times with Galit Zamler to train and refresh the entrepreneurship learning materials.
"ORT Ironi D" School in Modi'in
For several years, the junior high school of ORT Ironi D' in Modi'in has been teaching entrepreneurship lessons, accompanied by the Youth Entrepreneurship program.
This year, the junior high school principal, Revital Aka, asked Galit Zamler to come to the school to refresh their knowledge and train the newly hired teachers.
Befitting a school that nurtures entrepreneurial students, the school recruited Tzipi Yedidya as the entrepreneurship coordinator for the junior high.
"Hayovel" Elementary School in Ashdod
At Hayovel School in Ashdod, they studied the Entrepreneurship for Kids program for several years. This was when Pnina Weinstein was the school principal.
This year, under the leadership of the new principal, Shimrit Ovadia, the entrepreneurship program was brought back to Hayovel School.
The decision was made following recommendations from teachers who taught it and remembered it favorably. 5th and 6th-grade students study the program under the guidance of their homeroom teachers.
"Ramot Weizmann" School in Yavne
Ramot Weizmann School in Yavne is a school that educates for multidisciplinary entrepreneurship.
Since 2012, the school has been teaching the Eentrepreneurship for Kids program.
This year as well, the new principal of the school, Adi Ben Moshe, is expanding the curriculum with additional modules from the program.
Achiya Religious High School in Herzliya
Achiya Religious High School opened a unique entrepreneurship track for students in grades 7, 8, and 9 last year.
This year, high school principal Yoel Raz and junior high principal Keren Adler increased investment in entrepreneurship education and recruited a professional entrepreneurship coordinator to guide and teach students in all three grades.
Students can expect an exciting year of implementing social projects, lectures by guest entrepreneurs, and visiting a space that encourages creative thinking.
De Shalit Middle School in Rehovot
This is the fifth year in a row that students in the entrepreneurship track in 7th, 8th, and 9th grades at De Shalit Middle School in Rehovot participate in entrepreneurship lessons.
This year as in previous ones, the school marks Global Entrepreneurship Week and students meet guest entrepreneurs.
All this under teacher Yael Dayan's leadership
HaBonim School in Haifa
Amirim (outstanding) students at the Habonim School in Haifa have been learning entrepreneurship lessons for two years now.
This year, teacher Aleen Toma leads the entrepreneurship course integrating modules from the EFK program.
Bechor Levi School in Rehovot
This is the fifth year in a row that teacher Mali Ben Simhon has taught entrepreneurship lessons using the EFK program materials.
The students go through a complete process of identifying their strengths, defining needs, and solving problems by developing ideas for ventures.
Ofek School in Modi'in
This is the second year in a row that Ofek School in Modi'in teaches entrepreneurship lessons based on the Entrepreneurship for Kids program.
This year, the school principal Ms. Hadas Rafaeli also teaches the students.
Ulpenat Tsviya in Ma'alot
The 8th-grade students at Ulpenat Tsviya in Ma'alot study entrepreneurship lessons.
The Ulpena is run by Chaya Lampert, and the weekly program is led by the homeroom teachers.
Sadot School in Pardes Hanna-Karkur
The school principal, Ms. Talmor Kloss, and the entrepreneurship coordinators, Adi Sporta and Yonit Dotan, lead entrepreneurship education at the school.
All 1st to 6th-grade students take entrepreneurship classes, and the school has adopted an entrepreneurial culture in daily life.
Secondary Comprehensive Rager in Be'er Sheva
This year, teachers Vered Faren and Sigal Hofshi lead entrepreneurship studies in 7th grade.
Several hours per week have been allocated to entrepreneurship studies. Some will be in a forum with the full class, and some will be for each half of the class separately in workshop-style lessons on entrepreneurship.
The annual entrepreneurship program will include tours, lectures by entrepreneurial alumni of the school, and implementation of environmental projects by the students.
Ramot Weizmann School in Yavne
The Ramot Weizmann School, under Amalia Swisa's management, continues to teach entrepreneurship lessons this year as well.
The EFK program has been implemented at the school for several years and continues to serve the teaching staff in entrepreneurship lessons.
Achiya Religious High School in Herzliya
Yoel Raz, principal of Achiya Religious High School in Herzliya, led the opening of entrepreneurship studies at the school for 7th, 8th, and 9th grades.
Keren Adler manages the middle school, and the students will study entrepreneurship lessons with their homeroom teachers, whom Galit Zamler will accompany.
The Multi-disciplinary School of Sciences and Arts in Hadera
madaim-hadera.jpg=School of Sciences and Arts in Hadera teaches entrepreneurship classes
At Amal Hadera School for Sciences and Arts, they are continuing to teach the Youth Entrepreneurship program for the second year in the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades.
Teachers Sarit Tischler Hadad and Rona Hadar lead the program's implementation alongside executing projects developed by the students.
Darca Ramon High School in Gedera
At Darca Ramon Middle School in Gedera, they are continuing for the third year to teach the Youth Entrepreneurship program.
The program is taught by teacher Moran Kolman who incorporates tours, lectures, and implementation of the students' ideas into the learning process.
Be'eri School in Netanya
In previous years, the teachers at the Be'eri School in Netanya underwent training to teach the Entrepreneurship for Kids program.
The school, under the management of Amalia Amir Holvinger and her deputy Anat Alowitz, continues to teach entrepreneurship lessons using Galit Zamler materials.
The Shelanu School in Tel-Mond
Three classes of 6th-grader students at the Shelanu School in Tel-Mond participate in a six-session entrepreneurship course led by Galit Zamler.
The sessions take place once a week, and they aim to give students a glimpse into entrepreneurship.
HaMashtela School in Tel-Aviv
The teachers at the HaMashtela School in Tel-Aviv, headed by Revital Aakav, participated in a workshop on how to teach entrepreneurial processes in school. The staff also participated in training sessions on how to provide entrepreneurship skills to the students.
The school chose the program based on the recommendation of the Sadot School principal, Ms. Talmor Kloss.
Ofek School in Modi'in
The Ofek school in Modi'in, led by Hadas Rafaeli, fosters entrepreneurship education and this year chose the EFK program to expand the content offered to its students.
To teach the program, the school staff undergoes two separate trainings, one for teachers in grades 1-3 on entrepreneurial skills and one for those in grades 4-6 on entrepreneurship modules.
Hairisim School in Karmiel
The Hairisim School in Karmiel, under the management of Michal Kaminker, chose the EFK program for their 6th graders.
The three 6th-grade teachers teach the program in weekly meetings.
Harel Religious School In Jerusalem
The Harel religious school in Jerusalem, under the direction of Orly Lerer and Nava Eldar, began teaching entrepreneurship classes to its 5th and 6th graders this year through the EFK program.
Educators are being trained to teach these classes.
David Tuviyahu High School in Be'er Sheva
David Tuviyahu High School in Be'er Sheva, headed by Ofra Freund, is an entrepreneurship generator school - Startup School.
Thus, the school introduced the entire teaching staff and students to the Youth Entrepreneurship Program, intending to cultivate an entrepreneurial culture.
Sadot School in Pardes Hanna-Karkur
Yonit Dotan and Adi Saporta are the two entrepreneurship coordinators this year. For each grade, Galit Zamler prepared lesson plans adapted to the spiral model of the school so that each student focuses on a different skill related to entrepreneurship.
The Sadot School, headed by Talmor Kloss, was one of the first to teach the EFK program. Over the years, Galit Zamler maintained contact with the school and visited the entrepreneurship fairs that the school holds at the end of each year.
Ramot Comprehensive School in Bat Yam
Last year, Revital Sabag, the school director, asked to train teacher Nurit Shapira so that she could teach entrepreneurship classes at the school.
This year, Nurit teaches entrepreneurship based on the Youth Entrepreneurship Program and has incorporated into the program guest entrepreneurs, enrichment workshops, and interesting tours to enrich the students.
Yohanani School in Herzliya
Yohanani School in Herzliya is launching entrepreneurship classes in grades 1-6 this year under Einat Ben-Naim's leadership.
Students at the school got a taste of entrepreneurship last year through a hackathon, and since then the spirit of entrepreneurship has stuck with them.
Ma'alot School in Ashdod
Ma'alot School for Special Education, under the direction of Dorit Shalom, incorporates Galit Zamler's program into its curriculum.
Throughout the school's first to 12th grades, students will acquire entrepreneurial skills, experience the process of becoming an entrepreneur, and implement their initiatives.
Training was provided to the entire teaching staff. The lower class team was trained to teach the Entrepreneurial Skills program, and the senior class team was prepared to introduce the first module of the Youth Entrepreneurship Program.
HaBonim School in Haifa
Amirim (excellent) students at the HaBonim school in Haifa are learning entrepreneurship lessons this year.
Teacher Lilach Gabay teaches the entrepreneurship program.
Mitzpe Yam School in Eilat
In Eilat, the Mitzpe Yam school, led by Sigal Rahamim, offers entrepreneurship classes to its students.
The teacher Iris Nadler will develop entrepreneurial skills in the students through the annual Entrepreneurial Skills program.
The Multi-disciplinary School of Sciences and Arts in Hadera
madaim-hadera.jpg=Entrepreneurship classes at the School of Sciences and Arts in Hadera
Leadership and entrepreneurship classes at the Amal Multidisciplinary School for Sciences and Arts use the Youth Entrepreneurship Program to learn entrepreneurship lessons.
The excellence and innovation coordinator, Orit Lezarowitz chose the EFK program because she understood the relationship between entrepreneurship and leadership.
A team of teachers underwent training in preparation for teaching the program in the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades.
Ramot Weizmann School in Yavne
The Ramot Weizmann school in Yavne, headed by Amalia Swisa, fosters multi-disciplinary entrepreneurship.
Galit Zamler trained the entire school staff in entrepreneurship education several years ago.
We are refreshing the entrepreneurship training and assimilating the entrepreneurial language in the school this year after personnel changes in the teaching staff.
Bechor Levi School in Rehovot
Mali Ben Simhon continues to teach the EFK program for the fourth consecutive year.
Students learn about their strengths, identify needs and problems, propose solutions, and lead initiatives and ventures.
Ron Arad High School in Rehovot
Ron Arad High School in Rehovot, directed by Orit Doron, continues for the third year in entrepreneurship studies based on Galit Zamler's entrepreneurship program.
This year, Ravit de Kimchi teaches the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades after training during the summer vacation to conduct the program.
De Shalit Middle School in Rehovot
De Shalit Middle School in Rehovot offers an entrepreneurship major in all grades for the fourth year in a row.
In entrepreneurship classes, students meet entrepreneurs, develop ideas for projects, and implement them.
This year, teacher Yael Dayan is leading the entrepreneurship classes.
Darca Ramon High School in Gedera
The Youth Entrepreneurship Program is offered by Ruthy Naim, head of the middle school at Darca Ramon High School in Gedera, to her students of science and entrepreneurship for the second year.
The entrepreneurship classes last year were open to 7th graders, while this year, they will also be open to 8th graders.
Teacher Moran Kolman teaches entrepreneurship with an emphasis on social entrepreneurship in middle and high school.
Be'eri School in Netanya
The students of the Be'eri school, under the direction of Amalia Amir Holvinger and her deputy Anat Alowitz, learn about the skills of entrepreneurs.
By imparting entrepreneurial skills to its students, the school aims to empower them.
Teddy Kollek Six-year High School in Jerusalem
Under the leadership of Sonia Rafaelli and Sigalit Karta, Teddy Kolek High School in Jerusalem has become a hub for innovation and social entrepreneurship.
Students participate in hackathons, meet guest entrepreneurs, learn entrepreneurship lessons, and implement social projects they come up with.
The school system seems to have adapted to the new situation after a year and a half of restrictions and occasionally switching between face-to-face and online learning. Schools realize they must impart life skills to students to prepare them for the future. Entrepreneurial studies certainly make this possible.
Yuvalim School in Ganei Tikva
The Yuvalim School in Ganei Tikva, headed by Yearit Chen, was initially exposed to the EFK program as a growing school.
This year, following regeneration in the school's staff, the school has undergone additional training and will continue to teach entrepreneurship classes to all grade levels.
The religious Tzurim School in Rosh-Haayin
The religious Tzurim School in Rosh HaAyin, run by Renana Cohen, offers entrepreneurship classes.
Under the guidance of their educators, Hava and Shani, fifth-graders will study entrepreneurship lessons.
The religious Rambam School in Rosh-Haayin
The religious Rambam School in Rosh HaAyin, headed by Avichai Ratzon, is now offering entrepreneurship classes.
Hananel Casey teaches the lessons; he is an entrepreneur who has experienced the countless challenges entrepreneurs encounter, thus he is familiar with the topic.
These classes will be taught to sixth graders.
The religious Ohel Sarah School in Rosh-Haayin
Fifth graders at the religious Ohel Sarah School in Rosh-Haayin take a weekly entrepreneurship class.
Their science teachers teach these entrepreneurship classes.
HaYovel Junior High School in Mevaseret Zion
This year, teachers from the HaYovel Junior High School in Mevaseret Zion, participate in ten sessions of institutional training on entrepreneurship education.
The training was initiated by the director of eighth-graders, Ms. Michal Dano.
You can read here feedback from trainees about the advanced training.
Ramot Comprehensive School in Bat Yam
"Ramot" Comprehensive School in Bat Yam, headed by principal Revital Sabag, has decided to add entrepreneurship classes based on the Youth Entrepreneurship Program to its curriculum.
The teaching staff is participating in training hosted by Galit Zamler to teach the program. In the future, the school will open an Entrepreneurship course of study.
Teddy Kollek Six-year High School in Jerusalem
Teddy Kollek, six-year High School in Jerusalem, headed by Sonia Rafaelli and Sigalit Karta, has chosen to focus on uniqueness in the field of entrepreneurship.
The entire teaching staff participates in a training hosted by Galit Zamler, to teach the Youth Entrepreneurship Program in the classrooms.
Be'eri School in Netanya
The Be'eri school in Netanya, headed by Amelia Holvinger, and her deputy Anat Alowitz returns to teach the Entrepreneurship for Kids Program after a two-year hiatus.
The school focuses on environmental entrepreneurship and the empowerment of students.
Magen School in Tel-Aviv
The Magen School in Tel Aviv, under the direction of Kalanit Bar-On, began teaching entrepreneurship classes this year.
Teachers of third-sixth grades were trained to teach the program, and they appreciated its material, which brings an atmosphere of innovation and relevance to what's happening in the world today to the school.
Alliance School in Haifa
Alliance Junior High in Haifa has been teaching entrepreneurship for two consecutive years with the encouragement of principal Ruth Gal and her vice principal Iman Badah.
This year, three teachers will be teaching entrepreneurship lessons, Rotem in the seventh grade, Shiran in the eighth grade, and Sapir in the ninth grade.
The school integrates entrepreneurship lessons into the curriculum.
Hashiva School in Azor
The "Hashiva" School in Azor is continuing its entrepreneurship studies in its second year under the supervision of principal Keren Danino Koresh.
Each teaching staff member has been trained to teach the entrepreneurship curriculum to both young and older students.
Darca Ramon High School in Gedera
Darca Ramon Junior High's principal, Ruthy Naim, has decided to open a Science and Entrepreneurship class.
Teacher Yair Levy Ajami selected four modules from the Youth Entrepreneurship Program to lead the entrepreneurship studies.
Seventh-grade students will study entrepreneurship in the first year, with a focus on social entrepreneurship.
David Bloch School in Tel Aviv
David Bloch School in Tel Aviv, headed by principal Sharon Shluman, has officially joined other schools that are teaching the EFK Program.
In 2020, the entire teaching staff was trained on how to teach entrepreneurial skills to lower grades students.
Ulpana Amit Lehavah in Kedumim
Yael Shapira teaches entrepreneurship at Ulpana AMIT Lehava in Kedumim for her second year.
This year, the entrepreneurship class is expanding to include 7th and 8th graders.
North Star School in Ashkelon
The 5th graders from the North Star School are taking an entrepreneurship course taught by Galit Zamler for the third year in a row.
Throughout the course, students become familiar with various entrepreneurial terms, identify their strengths, develop ideas for projects, and then present them to an audience like grown entrepreneurs do.
A Young Entrepreneurs conference was held at the end of the course, where the students presented their ideas for projects accompanied by models they prepared themselves for fourth graders.
De Shalit Junior High School in Rehovot
Yosefa Salomon introduced entrepreneurship studies to the school's curriculum three years ago.
Since then, the Galit Zamler's program has been taught as a course of study to 7th, 8th, and 9th graders.
Katznelson School in Kfar-Sirkin
Continuing to teach entrepreneurship classes is a given for Lee Glick.
As part of her art classes, Lee teaches the sixth grades a weekly entrepreneurship class, and the benefit is all theirs.
Galit Zamler and members of Germany's future teachers attended the end of the entrepreneurship course this year, where the students presented 18 of their ideas.
Ron Arad High School in Rehovot
In Rehovot, Ron Arad High School is a six-year high school. The school started teaching entrepreneurship studies at the junior high two years ago, under the direction of principal Orit Doron.
In addition to teaching junior high, the program is taught at the high school and even for the GED class in Entrepreneurship.
The Entrepreneurship program coordinator, Ayelet Haimovich, is teaching the program this year just as she did last year.
Hayovel Elementary School in Ashdod
The EFK program has been taught at the Hayovel School, which Pnina Weinstein heads for some years.
In addition, this year, the school will emphasize entrepreneurship studies to give students practical life skills.
Due to Covid-19 constraints, the Entrepreneurship for Kids program has also been customized for online learning.
The program allows flexibility in the learning process for both teachers and students while emphasizing an enjoyable learning experience.
Bechor Levi School in Rehovot
The Bechor Levi school began teaching the EFK program three years ago.
This year, too, teacher Mali Ben Simhon continues to teach the program under a new principal.
Emuna Elisheva Ulpanit in Pardes Hana
Emuna Elisheva Ulpanit has launched a youth entrepreneurship course led by teacher Hodaia Cohen.
The course is open to all seventh and eighth-grade students interested in broadening their horizons and acquiring knowledge and experience in entrepreneurship.
Hashiva School in Azor
The HaShiva School in the Azor, headed by Keren Danino Koresh, began to teach the Entrepreneurship for Kids program this year.
Under the teachers' guidance, the school allocated a weekly hour in the school's timetable for every class for teaching the entrepreneurship subject.
North Star School in Ashkelon
In Ashkelon, the North Star School, headed by Sarry Plum, continues this year, despite the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions, to cultivate independent, creative students with self-confidence for success.
This year, all 5th-grade students and all 6th-grade students participate in online entrepreneurship courses under Galit Zamler's guidance.
The Yedidya Mechina in Beit Shemesh
The students at the Yedidya Mechina in Beit Shemesh, which is headed by Yohay Maimon, are partaking classes in the Youth Entrepreneurship program.
The students at the Mechina are Religious Comprehensive High Schools' graduates from Israel and around the world.
The program is taught by the first-year graduate of the Mechina, Matan Halevi, out of a desire to provide students with tools to succeed in life and to develop their personalities.
Ulpana Amit Lehavah in Kedumim
Seventh-grade students at the Ulpana Amit Lehavah in Kedumim are taking entrepreneurship classes this year, accompanied by the Youth Entrepreneurship Program.
The educator, Yael Shapira, leads the program. Yael integrates insights from the entrepreneurial arena as a way of life in her class.
Ohel Meir School in Kiryat Ekron
The Ohel Meir School in Kiryat Ekron, headed by Talia Carmi and her deputy, Yonit Goren, educates for entrepreneurship.
The school defined in its vision that its goal is to nurture entrepreneurial graduates with a solid religious-values base.
The Entrepreneurship for Kids program's selection as an institutional training is in line with the school's goals. It encourages the empowerment of each student following their skills and abilities.
Katznelson School in Kfar-Sirkin
Teacher Lee Glick from the Katznelson School in Kfar Sirkin continues for the seventh year!!! to teach the Entrepreneurship for Kids Program.
Each year, sixth-graders participate in an entrepreneurship course led by teacher Lee. Thus they graduate their school with a sense of ability and readiness for life.
Keshet School in Mazkeret Batya
The Keshet School in Mazkeret Batya, led by Dorit Roden, continues this year to teach entrepreneurship classes.
The entrepreneurship program is led by the social coordinator Naomi Baram and is taught two hours a week by teachers in fourth, fifth, and sixth grades.
Alliance School in Haifa
Seventh graders at Alliance School in Haifa are starting this year to study the Youth Entrepreneurship Program.
The program was selected by Michal Gal School CEO and Ruth Gal School Principal after reviewing several programs currently offered to schools in the entrepreneurship field.
Educator and English teacher Shiran Bitchatco will teach the program, and due to Covid-19 restrictions, much of the learning will be online.
Shiran, will incorporate both entrepreneurial thinking and entrepreneurial conduct as a way of life in her classroom, including getting familiar with the terms from the entrepreneurship domain in the English language.
A. D. Gordon School in Kfar-Saba
The A.D Gordon School in Kfar Saba, headed by Gila Ben-Yosef, has been going through a process of professionalism in the entrepreneurship education domain in recent years with the accompanies of Galit Zamler.
The school staff is committed to preparing the students to the real world to train their seniors to be proactive, while the teachers serve as mentors that accompany the students and empower them.
The school still teaches the EFK program this year, as well as a long-run process.
Ron Arad High School in Rehovot
Orit Doron, the Ron Arad Junior High School director, has decided to continue for the second year with the entrepreneurship classes offered for the 7th and 8th graders.
The teacher Ayelet Haimovich, who teaches entrepreneurship classes for the 11th and 12th graders, will lead the Youth Entrepreneurship Program in both Junior High and High School.
"De Shalit" Junior High School in Rehovot
The De Shalit Junior High School is continuing, for the third year, to teach our program youth.
This year, teacher Michal Ben-Hemo will lead two hours a week entrepreneurship classes for the 7th, 8th, and 9th graders.
During the year we held an online hackathon event for students of the entrepreneurial classes in collaboration with students of the High School Near the University in Jerusalem.
"Bachar" School in Even Yehuda
The Bachar School in Even Yehuda, run by Etti Hodeda, continues this year as well to instill skills in its students, taken from the entrepreneurship world.
The school has been expanding in recent years and now has 1st-8th graders attending it.
The school educational staff found the Entrepreneurship for Kids program suitable also for online learning and that's due to the presentations, clips, and activities that the program includes.
"ORT Urban D" School in Modi'in
Tzofit Hadad, the director at the six-year ORT Urban D School in Modi'in, and her deputy Liat Karim have decided to further the entrepreneurship studies to empower the students and prepare them for tomorrow's world.
A selected team of teachers from school participates in the training to implement the program and teach weekly entrepreneurship classes in the Junior High.
Additionally, Galit Zamler leads an institutional course for all teachers from seventh to twelfth grades on developing a culture of entrepreneurship in school in daily life.
"Hayovel" Elementary School in Ashdod
The Hayovel School in Ashdod, headed by Pnina Weinstein, continues to lead and provide students with skills for success in life.
The school offers its students a variety of courses. This is the fourth year that it's students also participate in an entrepreneurship course based on the EFK program.
Throughout the year, the school students participated in a joint online meeting with the students of the Entrepreneurship Course in China.
Moreover, students of the HaYovel School provided feedback to entrepreneurial students from the North Star School in Ashkelon in a session modeled after the Sharks TV show. On the "Experience from the program" pages, we wrote about these.
Entrepreneurship students at the Technion
About ten groups of students at the Entrepreneurship Center of the Technion named t-hub participated in a virtual hackathon over Vickathon, developed by Galit Zamler.
The students participate in the course "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship," led by Dr. Dina Rafael.
Each group developed its concept for a project on a shared web document from anywhere and from any computer and / or mobile device.
"A. D. Gordon" School in Holon
Two groups of six students from the A. D Gordon School in Holon, accompanied by teacher Keren Hadas, participated in the first virtual Hackathon for students on "Dealing with the Coronavirus."
The two groups had lovely ideas, and one of them even got to the winning trio.
You can view the video announcing the winners on YouTube.
"North Star" School in Ashkelon
Sarry Plum, Director of the North Star school in Ashkelon, leads a school that fosters creativity, independence, and personal responsibility.
Last year she experienced entrepreneurial studies, and this year four fifth-graders participate in an entrepreneurship course of thirteen sessions under Galit Zamler's guidance.
The meetings take place as part of the curriculum and in the presence of the students' educators.
"Keshet" School in Mazkeret Batya
The Keshet School in Mazkeret Batya, run by Dorit Roden, began teaching entrepreneurship classes.
The entrepreneurship program is taught by students from grades 4, 5, and 6 two hours a week.
in Shoham
The Yitzchak Navon School in Modiin continues to lead this year also, under its new principal, Merav Peleg, on entrepreneurship and innovative education and implementing the educational program "Entrepreneurship for Kids."
Alongside developing entrepreneurial skills and integrating them in the school pedagogy, the pupils will pitch ideas for projects which are based on the needs and will invent problem-solving projects.
ORT Technological School in Kiryat Gat
The Ort Technological School in Kiryat Gat, headed by Avi Hajaj, strives to cultivate financially independent students who aware of the environment, loyal, and have the skills to cope successfully with a changing world.
The eleventh-grade students will participate in the Youth Entrepreneurship Program under the guidance of teacher Karnit Steinberg. Students will come up with ideas for social-business ventures, evaluate their feasibility, and accordingly, carry out the ideas.
"Ort Shlomi" School
The gifted students in the eighth grade of educator Ronni Shtekler, who is also a professional English teacher, are the first in Israel to study entrepreneurship classes in English.
Ronni became acquainted with the program when she was teaching at an elementary school, and she asked to take the English version of the program and teach it in the gifted class.
It should be noted that Ronni Shtekler herself is an entrepreneurial teacher who has developed a kit for teaching the English language.
"Hevron" School for Boys in Kiryat Arba
The staff of the Hevron School for boys in Kiryat Arba led by Rabbi Shlomo Levinger participated in an intensive preparation day in the style of a Hackathon.
The teachers learned about the characteristics of Israel as an entrepreneurial state and the importance of entrepreneurship education. They participated in workshops, brought up ideas for initiatives, and finished with a written action plan for four viable enterprises.
We have written extensively about this on the "Hackathon Events for Students, Teachers, and School Directors" page.
"Bachar" School in Even Yehuda
The Bachar School in Even Yehuda, led by Etti Hodeda, continues to develop the language and the entrepreneurial culture at the school this year as well.
All of the school's students, from first to sixth grade, participate in weekly proactive leadership classes as part of the curriculum.
This year, the entire school staff was trained on a preparation day for the upcoming school year.
"ORT Urban D" School in Modi'in
Tzofit Hadad heads the six-year ORT Urban D School in Modi'in. She sought to teach entrepreneurship with values and emphasis on the empowerment of the students, and thus chose the Youth Entrepreneurship Program.
Netta Sternshein, the middle school principal, has chosen a team of proactive and leading teachers, to teach a weekly entrepreneurship class in seventh and tenth-grade. One is a special education class.
Tenth graders in high school will learn the program with the Heritage teacher, who will integrate the two subjects.
"Katznelson" School in Kfar-Sirkin
For the past few years, teacher Lee Glick at the Katznelson School in Kfar Sirkin has been teaching entrepreneurship classes to sixth-graders.
This year, as well, students learn about the entrepreneurial process that an entrepreneur goes through, come up with ideas for ventures and inventions, and present them to experienced entrepreneurs.
"Ron Arad" High School in Rehovot
The Ron Arad High School in Rehovot has joined those studying the Youth Entrepreneurship Program.
Seventh-grade students in the middle school, headed by Orit Doron, attend entrepreneurship classes led by teacher Itzik Ben Maimon. The final projects will be in the field of social entrepreneurship.
Itzik, who found the program interesting for students and well-built, uses its materials in the entrepreneurial classes for the 11th and 12th-graders as well.
Besides, Ron Arad High School participates in the Open City Urban Project, where students from different schools in the city choose one day a week in which school to study elective courses according to their interests.
One of the courses is an entrepreneurship course, based on the Youth Entrepreneurship Program. Twenty students attend this course led by the teacher Itzik Ben Maimon.
"Alonei Mamre" School in Kiryat Arba
The Aloni Mamre School, headed by Yael Klein, redefined its vision based on teachers' dreams.
To make dreaming and vision tangible and practical, the staff participated in a Hackathon-style day of preparation.
Thus, in a single day, the school's staff managed to plan several initiatives chosen by the majority, which they intend to implement as early as the beginning of the next school year.
"A. D. Gordon" Primary School in Kfar-Saba
For several years, the A. D Gordon School in Kfar Saba, under the leadership of Gila Ben-Yosef, has been developing its students' entrepreneurial skills and life skills through entrepreneurship education.
The school was preparing for the coming school year in adapting the teaching methods to the 21st century to create involvement and interest in the learning process among students and develop an independent, proactive student who believes in his/her abilities to succeed.
The teaching staff led this year, a Hackathon for all students. The event was defined as a creative experience, and during which the students came up with plenty of ideas for projects and inventions. (Read about it on the "Hackathon Events" page)
"Hayovel" Elementary School in Ashdod
The Hayovel school in Ashdod, headed by Pnina Weinstein, has set a goal of preparing his students for life in the 21st century.
Along with a wide range of courses offered to the students, they also participate in entrepreneurship classes.
This is the third year that teachers in the school are teaching students entrepreneurship classes, based on the EFK program.
Galit Zamler has organized a visit of a delegation of school principals and educators from Mexico at the school. The delegation members were impressed by the innovative learning processes that the school is leading.
"Korchak" School in Ramat-Gan
Two years ago, two teachers at the Korchak school in Ramat Gan, under the direction of Yafit Blanket, underwent training on the process of education for entrepreneurship in the school and were instructed to learn the first module of the program.
Since then, the school has been using the program materials in entrepreneurship classes, and this year as well.
The Democratic Nadav School in Modi'in
The junior high school students at the Democratic Nadav School in Modi'in are joining the students who are studying the Youth Entrepreneurship Program.
Teacher Yuval Geffen, who is an entrepreneur himself, teaches two groups - seventh-eighth graders and ninth-tenth graders.
"Alumim" Junior High School in Ramat Hasharon
Following a year of successful implementation of the Youth Entrepreneurship Program at the Alumim Junior High School in Ramat Hasharon, the principal Andy Kalisky decided to continue teaching the program next year.
During their three years in the school, the students are exposed to six-semester courses in various fields, one of which is the Youth Entrepreneurship Program.
This year, teachers Liran Orgal-Yanai and Shirley Nizri teach a limited version of the program in special education classes as well.
"De Shalit" Junior High School in Rehovot
After the first year of studying the Youth Entrepreneurship Program in the Middle School De Shalit in Rehovot, it was decided to continue teaching the students additional modules of the program.
In each of the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades, there is a class that chose the entrepreneurship studies, which they learn for three years, accompanied by the program.
Shai Abramovitch is the teacher of entrepreneurship, and Yosefa Salomon accompanies and helps him.
"Bechor Levi" School in Rehovot
The Bechor Levi school in Rehovot, run by Yafit Narbat, continues to teach entrepreneurship courses this year.
Teacher Mali teaches third and fourth graders, and teacher Adi teaches fifth and sixth graders.
Last year, the students planned and developed several inventions and social initiatives. This year they will do as well.
"Hayovel" School in Modi'in
The Hayovel school in Modi'in, run by Ronit Ravizada, continues to teach students entrepreneurship studies, accompanied by Galit Zamler.
All students explore values in Jewish-Israeli culture in groups (Hevruta). In light of the research process, students identify needs, reveal personal initiatives, and implement team projects.
The goal of the process is to encourage active students who aspire and work individually and in groups to create social and ethical change.
in Shoham
The Yitzhak Navon school in Shoham, headed by Vered Biali, participates in an institutional training course entitled "Student Functionality in Education for Entrepreneurship," with an emphasis on value-based entrepreneurship.
We discussed the importance of education for entrepreneurial culture. The teachers said that the school strives to prepare students for real life, develop students who thrive as independent thinkers, encourage them to understand what they can do for a better society. The teachers also foster active children, who know how to collaborate and initiative in a changing reality.
The school staff was exposed to the lesson plans that deal with entrepreneurial skills. The teachers teach the students those skills while progressing with the entrepreneurship program.
The institutional training combines learning and experience, such as proposing creative entrepreneurship ideas, presenting them to the plenum, and choosing a few selected projects. The school staff attended a workshop to examine the impact of the introduction of new technologies on various aspects of our lives.
Furthermore, a guest entrepreneur talked with the teachers and gave them a closer look at the process the entrepreneur goes through.
Read the feedback of the director of the school and the teachers' staff.
"Shimon Peres" Education Center in Rosh Ha'ayin
The Shimon Peres Education Center in Rosh Ha'ayin, under the leadership of Miri Nitzani, joined the schools that teach entrepreneurship classes.
Two "Amirim" groups, one of the fifth-grade students, and the other of sixth graders participate in a weekly entrepreneurship class led by teacher Dana Amitai.
Once students develop entrepreneurial thinking, they are expected to plan and implement social initiatives.
"North Star" School in Ashkelon
The North Star School in Ashkelon under the direction of Sarry Plum aspires to nurture students with life skills.
Sixth and fifth-graders take part in weekly entrepreneurship lessons, during which they are exposed to the entrepreneurial skills in an experiential way that enables them to identify their strengths.
The students learn to recognize needs and opportunities to improve their immediate environment, and they initiate projects at school accordingly.
The entrepreneurial sessions are being held under the guidance of the students' educators, after having undergone training which empowered them as well.
"King Solomon" School in Hakfar Hayarok
King Solomon School emphasizes the development of each student's potential.
Deputy Director Odelia Sinai sought to integrate the entrepreneurship program at school.
The second and third graders learn the skills of the entrepreneur, while the fourth and sixth graders learn the modules of the program, which expose them to different types of projects and develop entrepreneurial thinking in them. Later in the program, the students will execute their projects, with the guidance of their educators.
It was nice to hear the teachers' feedback on the program after the instruction: "The program is easy to implement," "Suitable for the children's ages," "Allows for thinking outside of the box," "Practical," "Neat"...
"Bachar" School in Even Yehuda
The Bachar School, under the leadership of Etti Hodeda, promotes proactive leadership among its students.
At school, teachers, students, and parents are involved in entrepreneurial activities.
Etti reached Galit Zamler following her desire to nurture students who speak the language of entrepreneurs, to teach them entrepreneurial skills, and to make them understand what is needed of an aspiring entrepreneur.
The perception is that these skills empower students and will serve them later, nowadays everyone needs to know how to be innovative as the world is changing, and professions are disappearing, while others are being created. These skills will enable them to succeed in whatever path they choose.
The entire staff of the school undergoes training in imparting competencies and soft skills to students, taken from the world of entrepreneurship.
"Ussishkin" School in Ramat HaSharon
The Ussishkin school in Ramat Hasharon, headed by Ronit Bloom, understands the importance of entrepreneurship education, hence chose to continue with our program for children after a break of one year.
This year, too, the teacher Miri Molcho teaches three groups of fifth and sixth-graders an elective course called "Young Entrepreneurs."
Towards the end of the school year, Miri wrote: "A wonderful and inspiring program."
"Alumim" Junior High School in Ramat Hasharon
Students from seventh, eighth, and ninth grades in the Alumim junior high school in Ramat Hasharon, led by Andy Kalisky, learn the "Youth Entrepreneurship Program."
The entrepreneurship lessons are taught by Liran Orgal-Yanai and Shirley Nizri, who were trained to teach the program last year.
The junior high school principal also uses materials from the program in empowerment classes for special education students.
"De Shalit" Junior High School in Rehovot
The De Shalit junior high school in Rehovot, headed by Haya Doron, joined those who study the Youth Entrepreneurship Program.
Two groups of students learn the program; one of the seventh grades, and the second from the eighth grade, in two hours a week throughout the year, under the guidance of teacher Shai Abramovitch and accompanied by the social coordinator Yosefa Salomon.
Eighth-graders have already been exposed last year to entrepreneurship studies, and this year they are expanding their knowledge in the field.
By the end of the year, the two groups will submit proposals for projects following a process of identifying needs and identifying opportunities. Each group will then plan and execute a business plan, a social venture, and a business venture.
"Ramot Weizmann" School in Yavne
The uniqueness of the Ramot Weizmann School under the management of Amalia Swisa is multidisciplinary entrepreneurship.
After a year, in which the entire school staff participated in an institutional training course led by G. Zamler, the teachers continue to teach students entrepreneurial competencies.
These are life skills that allow students to find and express their strengths, and thus in the future, to create a variety of opportunities for success in our dynamic work environment.
"Be'eri" School in Netanya
For several years, the Be'eri School in Netanya, run by Amalia Amir Holvinger, has been trained by Galit Zamler on the subject of child empowerment and education to entrepreneurship.
The students acquire entrepreneurial skills by participating in entrepreneurial activities. They develop projects based on their ideas, work in teams, and make products that they present on a record day.
The young students also plan and implementing social projects to improve social life within the school and in the community in general.
"A. D. Gordon" School in Kfar-Saba
As part of teachers' development, the whole staff at the A. D. Gordon primary school in Kfar-Saba, under the leadership of Gila Ben-Yosef, participated in an institutional training course on entrepreneurship education in the school framework, led by Galit Zamler.
Galit Zamler is returning to the school this year to lead another training consisting of three different sessions. The training is designed to help the school staff and students accomplish three goals: develop an entrepreneurial culture among teachers and students, speak the language of entrepreneurs, and help instructors teach entrepreneurship in classes with unique and organized lesson plans on the subject.
During the year, students from each class came up with ideas for projects that stem from the needs they identified or dreams they had. The students work in teams based on their choice, with educators serving as mentors guiding them through the entire implementation of their projects/initiatives.
Toward the end of the school year, a delegation of senior education officials from developing countries visited the school. The delegation members learned how Israeli schools are educating for entrepreneurship from an early age.
"Hayovel" Elementary School in Ashdod
The Hayovel School in Ashdod, headed by Pnina Weinstein, fosters an entrepreneurial mindset in its students to enable them to live up to their potential.
Last year, three sixth-graders took part in entrepreneurial studies, and this year the fifth-graders participate in two hours of entrepreneurial lessons as well, under the guidance of their educators, who underwent training by Galit Zamler.
The children get to know the characteristics of the entrepreneur and the entrepreneurial arena. Then they will initiate and execute projects accordingly, thus will develop self-confidence.
"Katznelson" School in Kfar-Sirkin
At the Katznelson School in Kfar Sirkin, directed by Ornit Gal, the sixth-graders continue to study entrepreneurship based on the children's entrepreneurship program under the guidance of teacher Lee Glick, who has been doing this successfully for several years.
The young innovators undergo a process of exposure to the subject of entrepreneurship, develop entrepreneurial thinking, and learn to channel their curiosity and interests towards the benefits of social and innovative ventures.
Yeshiva High School in Kiryat Arba
Students from the 7th and 8th grades at the Yeshiva High School in Kiryat Arba participated in a joint Hackathon of the Yeshiva and the Ulpana.
The Hackathon was divided into three sessions: exposure, raising ideas, and building models, presenting and pitching.
The students developed six ideas for projects, of which two won a competition within the school, and later won the grand finale held at a communal evening at the Heichal HaTarbut.
Ulpana for Girls in Kiryat Arba
Students from the seventh and ninth grades in the Ulpana in Kiryat Arba took part in a joint Hackathon with Yatka.
After the first meeting, the girls learned what a Hackathon is, and about 30 of them enrolled in the event to take part in an entrepreneurial experience of creativity and teamwork in developing ideas of projects.
They planned six projects, prepared models, pitches, and presentations. Two groups won a contest held in the school, and one of the teams won the finals at a multiplayer community event with experienced entrepreneurs.
"Fichman" Democratic School in Haifa
At the Fichman Democratic school in Haifa, headed by Sharon Ita, the art teacher Gabi Cohen leads a "Young Inventor" project, in which students from the first to sixth graders participate.
Galit Zamler met with the students who then told her about their inventions, which stem from their personal needs. The young inventors got feedbacks to help them move forward.
After such a meeting, there is a feeling that the State of Israel will continue to be the Start-up Nation since a generation of young and creative entrepreneurs is developing this very skillset.
"Emek Yafe" School in Merkaz Omen
In the Emek Yafe school in the Merkaz Omen under the direction of Koby Rumi, an effort has been made to match each student a program that will help them realize his or her capabilities and personal growth.
Students from 9th-11th grades who showed interest in entrepreneurship joined a study group that was led by the art teacher Anat Bar Ilan Amit, the computer teacher Rachel Segal, and the volunteer entrepreneur Mano Sadeh.
The students participate in the Youth Entrepreneurship Program to develop an entrepreneurial mindset, believe in their ability to succeed and acquire life skills from an early age.
"Sdot Yoav" School in Kibbutz Gat
At the regional Sdot Yoav school under the direction of Shlomit Abudram, students are encouraged to dream and fulfill.
This year, sixth-graders learned about the industry and developed products that will be displayed for sale on an "Industrial Day."
This entrepreneurship for young students program will enrich the children's knowledge and spark the next generation of entrepreneurs.
Ort "Comprehensive High School" in Holon
Seventh-graders participated in a three-session Hackathon event, in which they learned to think like entrepreneurs and face the challenge of critical and creative thinking to invent ideas for new ventures.
The students also developed their ideas into initial models, which they then presented to potential investors (their parents) after having learned how to prepare an elevator pitch.
"Tali - Mamlachti C" School in Ma'ale Adumim
The Tali - Mamlachti C School in Ma'ale Adumim under Sharon Elmaliach management, prepares its students for the future world.
The fourth and fifth-graders participate in weekly entrepreneurial classes supervised by their teachers.
"Tzemach HaSadeh" School in Ma'ale Adumim
The students of the Tzemach HaSadeh school in Ma'ale Adumim under the management of Mali Maimon are entrepreneurial by nature.
This year, the school's students joined those who learn entrepreneurship classes with our guidance.
"Kramim" School in Modi'in
The uniqueness of the Kramim school in Modi'in headed by Otniel Galili is to develop leadership and entrepreneurship in an excelling environment.
The fourth and sixth-graders study weekly entrepreneurship classes aiming to develop social and educational projects.
School in Kiryat Anavim
Students from the regional Alon School in Kiryat Anavim, under the management of Dror Eyuner, learn how to initiate and implement ideas for projects.
The school's entrepreneurial educational goal is to encourage students to be keen and act out of a desire to create, influence, make changes, and leave their mark.
"Ya'ad Mamlachti School B" School in Kiryat Anavim
The Ya'ad Mamlachti School B in Givat Ze'ev, directed by Tami Rozai-Reuven, has joined educators for entrepreneurship.
The connection with the school, which educates for values, social entrepreneurship, and wisdom, seems natural and contributes to its uniqueness.
"Nofim" School in Kanot
The Nofim School, in Kanot - Be'er Tuvia, headed by Gila Ish, has also started teaching entrepreneurial classes.
The students of Amirim groups took part in weekly entrepreneurship lessons, which exposed them to the entire process undergone by the adult entrepreneur.
The students, under the guidance of the school counselor Yehudit Priva, focused on social initiatives, asked questions, and raised ideas for social projects - some of which ended being carried out.
"Naftali" School in Yavne'el
The Naftali school in Yavne'el, headed by Keren Arish, prioritizes an entrepreneurial way of thinking amongst its students.
Members of the social circle group, which consists of fourth, fifth and sixth-grade students, meet once a week, where they are exposed to the entrepreneurial world, identify needs, brainstorm ideas for projects and work to implement them.
The teacher Ravit Mishkal guides the group.
"Begin" School in Kiryat Motzkin
The Begin School in Kiryat Motzkin, run by Vered Fisher, is a community school.
This year, student council members and fourth to sixth grades from "Amirim" groups, acquire entrepreneurial competencies through practical experience, which will be expressed in various initiatives that the students will plan and implement.
Read about the joint venture of pupils from various grades under the guidance of teacher Dorit Chondia - a tree for Tu Bishvat
"Hayovel" School in Modi'in
The Hayovel school in Modi'in, run by Ronit Revizada, promotes social involvement.
Starting this year, students from the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades participate in an entrepreneurial course to promote and implement valuable social initiatives.
On the "Kids Initiate" page, we wrote about one of the students' initiatives.
"Yuvalim" School in Ganei Tikva
The Yuvalim school in Ganei Tikva, under Yearit Chen's management, is a growing school.
Starting this year, third graders and members of the student leadership group, under the guidance of their educators, learn about creative thinking as entrepreneurs.
The goal of the school is to preserve the creative-thinking abilities of their students through the development of entrepreneurial skills and by using the lesson plans in entrepreneurship, developed by Mrs. Zamler, especially for the younger classes. The students identified needs, raised ideas for projects, and put their ideas into practice.
"Ofek" School in Modi'in
The Ofek school in Modi'in, under Meirav Cohen's management, began this year in enrichment studies to develop entrepreneurial thinking and individual entrepreneur skills.
The students, members of the 'Amirim' group in the 4th to 6th grades, participate in an entrepreneurial course under the guidance of both the school principal and the social coordinator.
"Reim" School in Modi'in
The Reim school in Modi'in, under Gila Bar-Lev's management, joined those who study entrepreneurship classes under Galit Zamler's guidance.
The fourth and fifth-graders learn the entrepreneurship program is under the guidance of their educator.
"Bein HaHadarim" School in Heirut
The Bein HaHadarim school in Heirut, headed by Sharon Kadosh, started teaching entrepreneurship lessons under Mrs. Zamler's direction.
An entrepreneurial group of 4th graders learns a weekly lesson guided by the social coordinator.
"Alon" School in Hertzlia
The Alon school in Hertzlia, directed by Limor Bareket, teaches the EFK program.
The school principal and her deputy Keren Ben Mordechai lead the course. The students are a group of fourth, fifth, and sixth-graders who attend the class on Sundays.
Limor says the kids are looking forward to the entrepreneurship classes.
"Alonim" School in Modi'in
The Alonim school in Modi'in, under Anat Bart's management, has joined the schools teaching entrepreneurship lessons.
The values of entrepreneurship education are integrated into the pedagogical guidelines of the school, which is a personal, social, and environmental responsibility as connecting points between will and success.
School in Yoqneam
The growing educational institute Itzhak Navon, headed by Shoshi Ben Yosef, started teaching entrepreneurship classes.
Fifth-graders are participating in a weekly entrepreneurship class under the guidance of Gilit Carol, the theatre teacher, and the social coordinator.
"Shenkar" School in Holon
The Shenkar School in Holon, directed by Anat Gal Kohablom, was exposed to our entrepreneurship curriculum for kids last year.
This year, Linoy Binstock, the Entrepreneurship Coordinator, teaches the members of the Parliament in grades 3rd-6th the entrepreneurial program.
Later in the year, the Parliament members will be alert to the environment, identify needs in the school and community, raise ideas for solving those needs - some of which will be implemented.
"Arts" School in Ashkelon
The students' parliament at the Arts school in Ashkelon, headed by Merav Ben Yishai, is studying lessons from the program's syllabus, led by the social coordinator Dana Gafni-Reznik.
The young students in grades 4th to 6th, identify needs, and lead social projects at the school.
"Keshet" School in Jerusalem
The Keshet School in Jerusalem, under the direction of Iris Kiviti, is the first school in the city to join the learners about entrepreneurship through our entrepreneurship program for kids.
Sharon Cohen, the entrepreneurship coordinator, leads the program that is taught to children from the 5th and 6th grades, with an emphasis on the social community and moral initiatives.
Alongside the progress of implementing the initiative, the children enjoyed activities that displayed their teamwork skills.
"Hatzvi Israel" School in Kiryat Ata
The Hatzvi Israel school, headed by Yifat Peretz, joined this year to schools that teach entrepreneurial lessons accompanied by this entrepreneurial program.
Fourth-graders participate in a weekly entrepreneurial class guided by their teachers, focusing on social and environmental initiatives that encourage the cultivation of a green school.
While one group is setting up a monument for the fallen school graduates, another is in contact with pensioners from Yad Labanim. Towards Tu Bishvat, the students made gifts for the pensioners - recycled flower pots.
"Ariel Sharon" School in Holon
The Ariel Sharon school, directed by Ruti Keren, is a school that teaches a method based on PBL projects.
A group of children from the student council is participating in a series of meetings on entrepreneurship, led by Nofar Druckman.
The purpose is to empower students and enable them to initiate and act for the welfare of the school pupils and the community, especially initiatives in the field of safe surfing on the Internet.
The Student Council is guided by the education coordinators for social life, teachers Esti Sabag and Reut Meir, who invited on the National Week for Safe Browsing as a guest entrepreneur, who has experienced humiliation on the network.
"Rivka Guber" School in Moshav Nehora
The sixth-graders who are graduating this year at the Rivka Guber school, are encouraged by both the principal, Drorit Garla, and the parents' representatives, to leave their mark on the school.
All of those involved decided to integrate entrepreneurship studies into the process. To this end, they turned to the Mrs. Galit Zamler, who exposed the pupils to the entrepreneurial scene, to various types of projects, and mainly showed them that by being alert to the environment, they could identify opportunities and needs and extract ideas from them for future projects.
The students have thought of ideas for projects that will leave their mark on the school. They examined the projects' necessities, planned and held an Elevator pitch event, put the ideas to a vote, and with a majority of votes, they chose one joint venture to implement together.
"Rothberg" High School in Ramat-Hasharon
Dr. Anat Cohen, a meaningful learning coordinator at the Rothberg High School in Ramat Hasharon, promotes entrepreneurship studies and entrepreneurial skills among students.
This year, with the encouragement of our Youth Entrepreneurship Program, the Rothberg High School marked for the first time, the GEW.
Each class was exposed to lectures by three entrepreneurs from different fields to get to know the entrepreneur, to focus on the entrepreneur as an identifier of opportunities, and to receive inspiration and tools for entrepreneurship.
"Katznelson" School in Kfar-Sirkin
Teacher Lee Gick has been teaching entrepreneurship classes for four consecutive years in the Katznelson School in Kfar Sirkin, based on the study materials of the program.
Like every year, the children acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in the development of various ventures: some innovative and others social.
The E-ship classes have begun in tandem with the GEW of 2017. Later, the students listened to an inspiring lecture by the social entrepreneur Tzuriel King.
Towards the end of the school year, the students presented the inventions to Galit. View the presentation on the Experiences page.
"Talmim" School in Be'er Yaakov
The Tlamim School in Be'er Yaakov, under the management of Limor Shentman, nurtures personal development, entrepreneurship, and social contribution.
The school promotes multiple endeavors of students and teachers alike.
The teachers of the sixth graders: Bar Elimelech, Revital Shoshani, and Yafit Rich, participate in training sessions for teaching entrepreneurship in the school to make the entrepreneurship education systematic and orderly.
Read about the second-hand costume shop project established at the school for Purim on the "Kids Initiate" page.
"Yad Mordechai" School in Bat Yam
The Yad Mordechai school in Bat Yam, headed by Avivit Mistriel and the entrepreneur coordinator Orly Maimon, encourages students to develop critical and innovative thinking.
Every year the school marks the Global Entrepreneurship Week in cooperation with us and this year as well.
"Niv" School in Holon
The Niv school in Holon, directed by Yael Assaf, encourages students to initiate.
Shortly before the students of three 5th grades start thinking about ideas for new initiatives, Galit Zamler gave them a one-time lecture titled "Entrepreneurship - anyone can do it."
The students learned about two main approaches to developing initiatives and why the approach that stems from identifying needs has the highest chance of success.
"Ilanot" School in Ashkelon
The Ilanot school in Ashkelon, under the direction of Nurit Hachmon, encourages students to express their strengths, reach optimal utilization and excellence, while doing entrepreneurial work.
About three years ago, the entire school staff was trained on the first module of the entrepreneurship program, and this year we were happy to hear that the school continues to teach the students according to the same module.
The school marked the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2017. Galit Zamler helped recruit volunteer entrepreneurs who enriched the students' world in the field of entrepreneurship.
Sadot School in Pardes Hanna-Karkura
The Sadot school, headed by Talmor Kloss, is a leading entrepreneurial educating school.
The school has been developing an entrepreneurial culture over the years. It has been devoting two hours a week as part of the curriculum for entrepreneurship studies that start in first grade.
The school denotes the Global Entrepreneurship Week of 2017, during which entrepreneurs share their experience with the students accompanied by hands-on activities.
The school hosted a delegation of leading educators from developing countries on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The delegation members were impressed by the rich and varied curriculum offered by the school to its pupils and by nurturing abilities and life skills in an entrepreneurial environment.
Mordei HaGeta'ot School in Ramat-Gan
The Mordei HaGeta'ot school in Ramat-Gan, directed by Ronni Shasha, is a Leadership Entrepreneurship and Business Management educator.
A few years ago, the school was one of the first to teach entrepreneurship classes based on this very program. The students remember the initiative "Dog adoption day" to this day.
This year, three sixth grade classes have a weekly entrepreneurship class, focusing on innovative projects.
Galit Zamler guides the teachers in the learning process.
"Bechor Levi" School in Rehovot
The Bechor Levi school under the management of Yafit Narbat educates for excellence, values, and breakthrough innovation while maximizing the students' abilities.
Teachers Rivka and Mali taught the entrepreneurship course throughout the year.
The entrepreneurship course called "Invitation to Invention" is part of a variety of elective courses offered to the school students in the framework of the school's "Academon."
Rivka, a 4th-grade teacher, chose to teach third and fourth graders entrepreneurial classes based on lesson plans to identify entrepreneurial skills, nurture the students' strengths in experiential learning and connect them to the entrepreneurial world.
Mali, a sixth-grade teacher, taught fifth and sixth graders lessons based on the entrepreneurship program's modules. The students raised creative ideas for projects and changes they would like to make at school and learned to think creatively and work as a team.
With some of the ideas, the students went ahead, and they were presented to parents on a record day at the end of the year.
The two teachers sent a gratitude letter for the accompaniment.
"Yitzhak Shamir" School in Holon
The uniqueness of the Yitzhak Shamir School in Holon, headed by Moshe Eini, is Leadership.
This uniqueness is expressed in the cultivation of self-ability, professionalism and expertise, flexibility in thinking and doing, collaboration, teamwork, and awareness.
In light of this uniqueness, the connection with this school was only natural, and this year, four of fourth-graders participated in a weekly entrepreneurial class led by Dina Arkin, which is our guide to entrepreneurship. The students also attended a lecture by Galit Zamler (guest entrepreneur) during the Global Entrepreneurship Week.
The students who participated in 20 lessons per class were exposed to the world of entrepreneurs. They envisioned their own ideas for projects, checked if their ideas had already been implemented or not, developed them, and prepared models with emphasis on teamwork and creative thinking.
At the end of the year, each student wrote a summary detailing what they have learned throughout the process. Click to read the students' feedbacks.
We wrote about the activities during the program in the "Experiences from the Program" page.
"Ofek" School in Ramle
In the Ofek school in Ramle, run by Dorit Nevo, we collaborated with "Honeybee" for the first time.
We designed workshops for 5th-graders, where they had three sessions on the subject of natural resources and entrepreneurial ventures.
The meetings which were held by Galit Zamler and Nimrod Segev were accompanied by the school's principal and the teachers Meital, Yael, and the science teacher, Sarit.
At the first encounter, the students worked in groups and thought about creative ideas aimed to make use of the sun and water as natural resources.
On the second day, the students voted and chose the projects they wanted to realize. They then presented them in the class, defined the need and the target audience for each project, and planned the realization process.
On the third day, the students prepared models to illustrate their ideas and presented them to their friends.
We have written about this event in detail on the "Hackathon events for students in schools" page.
"Mitzpe Yamim" School in Ashkelon
The Mitzpe Yamim public-religious school in Ashkelon, directed by Yaffa Elouz, is a growing school that educates for ethical, social, and technological entrepreneurship.
Last year, the school held a meeting with Galit Zamler, on the process of developing projects at the school.
This year, all teachers are undergoing three training sessions on teachers' development of entrepreneurship education in the school.
One can read about the team's insights from the training sessions on the "Reviews and Recommendations of the Entrepreneurship for Kids Program" page.
"Ramat Cramim" School in Ashkelon
Maayan and Vered, the science teachers for the 4th and 5th grades at the Ramat Cramim School in Ashkelon, decided to combine the subject of entrepreneurship with science studies. They chose the first module from the syllabus of the program to expose students to the entrepreneurial scene.
Using this path of teaching, fifth graders will think about technological solutions through a designed process that will connect them to the entrepreneurial world.
Fourth graders will develop projects on the subject of environmentalism using the science material taught in class.
Fifteen students will participate in each study group so that each and one of them will have the chance to express themselves.
"Ma'ayan" School in Kfar Hasidim
At the Ma'ayan school in Kfar Hasidim, there are students aged 6-15. The school, under the direction of Irad Shoshani and following the initiative of the teacher Adva, joined the schools that teach entrepreneurship classes for the first time this year.
The school staff was trained in two groups;
The first participant group, teachers of the higher grades: Adva, Yifat, and Maya, were trained to teach the first module. At the end of the training, the teachers were enthusiastic about starting coaching the students.
The other group consisted of teachers of the lower grades: Gali and Ya'ara. They were trained on the subject of "Entrepreneurial skills - Part 1", experiential lesson plans, ready to use. Each lesson deals with a different skill of an entrepreneur while attempting to identify these very strengths in the students themselves.
"Kaplan" School in Petah Tikva
Our entrepreneurship curriculum for kids has been accompanying the Kaplan school in Petah Tikva for years.
This year, under the new director Mika Nechushtan, the school continues to develop initiatives with an emphasis on language projects to promote students of all ages in reading, writing, speaking, and using Hebrew in general.
The school celebrated the 2017 GEW, during which guest entrepreneurs talked to the students who also took part in other entrepreneurial activities.
"Be'eri" School in Netanya
The Be'eri elementary school in Netanya, headed by Amalia Amir Holvinger, is continuing towards its third year as a school educating for environmental entrepreneurship and personal empowerment accompanied by Galit Zamler.
This year, students learn and experience the entrepreneurial process in a weekly course of entrepreneurship that takes place during school hours.
Besides, the school marked the GEW with a variety of lectures and activities for the students.
Throughout the year, several training sessions were held:
The first was with the school principal and its leading staff. We decided that by the end of the school year, a few things will happen; The third-graders will develop a project for their classroom. The fourth-graders will develop initiatives in groups for the benefit of the community, and fifth-graders will develop initiatives after undergoing a process to identify the needs of first-graders.
The second meeting was a training session for the teachers of grades 3 and 4. The teachers who teach entrepreneurship in the third grade - Sigal, Liron, and Anna, teach the students the skills of the entrepreneur based on the lesson plans "Entrepreneur Skills Part A."
According to Yael, the experiential lesson plans were taught last year held great success. The kids couldn't wait for the next lesson: "The children are waiting for the entrepreneurship classes from week to week."
The teachers in fourth grade - Sharon, Anat, and Yael continue to expose the students to entrepreneurial skills, along with teaching content from the lesson plans of "Entrepreneur Skills Part B."
The third meeting was attended by fifth and sixth-grade teachers as well as professional teachers. The training dealt with the process of developing projects in the classroom and accompanied by writing a business plan adapted for children.
At the end of this session, the teachers gave a letter of appreciation to Galit Zamler for her guidance in developing the school's uniqueness on entrepreneurship.
An additional training session was held with the teaching staff to the theme of the country's 70th-anniversary celebrations. The topic was connecting the uniqueness of the school as an educator to initiatives.
"Ramot Weizmann" School in Yavne
The Ramot Weizmann School, directed by Amalia Swisa, is one of the pioneer schools that chose education for multidisciplinary entrepreneurship as the unique specialization of the school.
The school's introduction to our program began in its first year as an entrepreneurship educator school.
And since then, the connection between them has been maintained over the years.
This year, the entire school staff underwent an institutional training course of teachers' development on "Meaningful Learning - Functional Learning in Entrepreneurship Education," under the guidance of Galit Zamler.
At the end of the year, like in recent years, the school held an entrepreneurship conference. The mayor, educators, parents, and the community attended it.
Watch the video and pictures that summarize the conference.
The school hosted a delegation of leading Latin American educators on behalf of the MASHAV Center, which is the Hebrew acronym for Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation. Read about it on the page "Experiences from the program."
"Kiryat Ye'arim" School in Ramat Hasharon
Under the direction of Etti Shick, the Kiryat Ye'arim school in Ramat Hasharon taught some of the modules last year as a pilot among students of the Student Council.
This year, after a successful pilot, the school expanded the project to the fourth and sixth-graders.
The program is being taught at the same time among all 4th-6th graders, who were divided into fourteen heterogeneous groups from the classes, to develop different initiatives, each with a tutor.
Besides, one of the Talan lessons for fourth and sixth grades is entrepreneurial and focuses on creative thinking.
"Yad Giora" Middle School in Herzliya
Under the direction of Ronit Cohen Matot, Yad Giora, a junior high school in Herzliya, continues with the entrepreneurial studies, accompanied by this program.
Last year, students from three seventh grades participated in entrepreneurship classes led by Zeev Schneider. They raised ideas for ventures and developed prototypes. Some even won regional competitions for schools named "Move Yourself."
During the current school year, seventh graders take part in these lessons for the first time, and eighth-graders continue their studies in entrepreneurship, that they began last year.
Topics that students are exposed to from the entrepreneurial curriculum:
The course in the 7th grade: An introduction to the entrepreneurship arena, entrepreneurial skills, creative thinking, innovation, concepts of the financial world, concepts of Economics, budget management, public speaking, public relations, advertising, and social entrepreneurship.
The course in 8th grade deals with the business plan, establishing a company, business intelligence, intellectual property, marketing, negotiation, teamwork, humor, optimism, and producing events.
"Psagot" School in Kiryat Bialik
The Psagot school, under the new director, Orly Gidron, is returning to teach our program as an elective course.
Five years ago, Nurit Evenshietz was one of the first to implement the children's entrepreneurial program. She taught a group of students, and they even carried out several projects.
Nurit, who was at the time, satisfied with the program and wrote a gratitude letter, leads entrepreneurial classes as a weekly elective course of two hours for grades 4, 5, and 6 as part of a school leadership program.
Nurit is also a coordinator of the fifth and sixth grades and a language coordinator at the school.
"Korchak" School in Ramat-Gan
In Ramat Gan, third to eighth-graders in Korczak school learn entrepreneurial lessons.
Teacher Ravit teaches the third and fourth grades one hour a week, and teacher Shani teaches classes fifth to eighth.
The school, led by Yafit Blankit, has purchased 3D printers, and the goal is to encourage students to develop ideas for projects that meet needs and can be printed on these printers.
For the first time, the school joined the schools marking GEW.
"Hebrew Academy" School, Miami Beach, Florida, USA
The Hebrew Academy school, Miami Beach, Florida, is the first school to implement the Entrepreneurship for Kids Program outside of Israel.
Rabbi Avi Bossewitch, Dean of Academics and Innovation, is the school header.
Students in junior high and high school learn the program as a weekly elective program.
The school chose the entrepreneurial program after a successful pilot during which the students and teachers were exposed to two modules of the program.
The program is part of a broader, newly developed school-wide initiative titled "Go the Extra MILE." MILE is an acronym for Makers, Innovators, Leaders, and Entrepreneurs.
Galit Zamler trains the teachers, Chani, Angie, and Javier on entrepreneurial education and supports them during the school year.
The launch of the program in the US was reported in the media, both in Israel and abroad.
"Hayovel" Elementary School in Ashdod
The Hayovel school in Ashdod, under the direction of Pnina Weinstein, joined the schools that teach this entrepreneurship program.
The three sixth-grade teachers, who are among the school's leading staff, teach the program in two weekly hours in two groups, to enable students to express themselves.
The Hayovel school is the first school in the city of Ashdod to implement the method Mrs. Zamler has developed.
This year, the school joined the schools that mark the GEW with a host of lectures by guest entrepreneurs, and talks by students of entrepreneurship to the young ones.
At the end of the year, the school held a community record evening, and the student initiators presented their projects to the community, some of which we wrote here on the "Kids Initiate" page.
"Dvora Omer" Elementary School in Netanya
Miri Yishay, a teacher at the Dvora Omer School in Netanya, participated in an "Initiating Teacher" course a few years ago, led by Galit Zamler.
Miri says that the session with Zamler left a lot of pleasant impressions and ignited in her the will to educate for entrepreneurship. With the knowledge and inspiration acquired from the course and a lot of self-studying, Miri developed an independent entrepreneurship course, which she teaches enthusiastically at her school.
Before the end of the school year, Miri contacted Mrs. Zamler Galit, saying that two classes of fourth-graders learned entrepreneurship throughout the year. They learned about various ventures, studied the qualities of an entrepreneur, participated in creative activities, thought of ideas for ventures, and some even actively tried to make the ideas come true, and everyone made presentations about their plans.
At the end of the process, the children wrote a reflection, indicating a significant entrepreneurial learning process.
Galit Zamler was invited to the school for a special day in which the students presented to her their ideas, asked questions, and consulted her about moving forward. The excitement of the children towards and during the meeting was very high.
After the meeting, Miri wrote:
"Dear Galit,
Thank you for coming to the "young entrepreneurs" meeting. The 4th-graders were very excited to present their ventures.
Thank you for your kind words that empowered the children, and we're another step towards making their ideas come true."
"Avnei Hachoshen" Elementary School in Shoham
Two 3rd grade classes participated in two empowerment meetings based on lesson plans about entrepreneur skills.
The students learned to recognize their strengths and their friends' strengths. They learned what defines an entrepreneur and the connection between entrepreneurship and taking risks, creativity, and the ability to deal with failure.
The school staff also held two workshops about empowerment, part of teachers' development, with the understanding that to empower the students, the teachers must know how to identify their own strengths and the school's strengths to use them to leverage and success.
"Mitzpe Yamim" Elementary School, Ashkelon
The Mitzpe Yamim elementary school in Ashkelon, directed by Yaffa Elouz, is a growing school that educates for ethical, social, and technological entrepreneurship.
As part of the unique setting of the school, the school staff has been trained by Galit Zamler who explained and demonstrated to the teachers how to teach entrepreneurship in practice within the school, and how to carry out ethical, social, and technological projects.
"Sadot" Primary School in Pardes Hana
The Sadot primary school in Pardes Hana, headed by Talmor Clos, is an incubator for innovative entrepreneurship for students in the first to sixth grades.
The school took part in celebrations of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, with our encouragement.
"Katznelson" Primary School in Kfar-Sirkin
The Katznelson school headed by Oranit Gal. This is the third year that sixth graders have participated in entrepreneurial lessons based on the children's entrepreneurship program.
The art teacher, Lee Glick, leads the course. She expresses during the entrepreneurial process her skills in product design since she graduated from the HIT college.
Read Lee's recommendation for the program.
"Ilanot" Primary School in Ashkelon
The Ilanot primary school, managed by Nurit Chachmon, began with entrepreneurship education in the previous school year.
The school celebrated this year, with our help, the GEW2016, with guest entrepreneurs who shared their entrepreneurial journey with the young students.
"Yad Mordechai" School in Bat Yam
Avivit Misterial, the Yad Mordechai school director, is an innovative entrepreneurship educator. She encourages her students to be creative while looking around and identify needs.
This year too, the school marked the GEW.
The school students produced a show in honor of Global Entrepreneurship Week, which focused on Israel as an innovative country.
"Ramot Weizmann" School in Yavne
The Ramot Weizmann primary entrepreneurial school in Yavne continues in cooperation with the founder of the Israeli entrepreneurship program.
The school observed the GEW 2016 and hosted entrepreneurs as guest lecturers who shared their experience with the young students.
The school has held a multi-disciplinary entrepreneurship conference for the fifth year.
Read the gratitude letter from the school director, Amalia Swisa, on the Recommendations and Reviews page.
"Ussishkin" School in Ramat HaSharon
Last year, Ussishkin elementary school in Ramat HaSharon had joined schools that teach their students the basic principles of entrepreneurship with our training.
This year, under the new director, Mrs. Mali Moadim, it was decided that there will be two entrepreneurship classes of excellent students from grades fifth and sixth, who are part of the Amirim program.
The teacher, Miri Molcho, continues to teach the program this year. She has undergone training in the field of education for entrepreneurship within the school.
The students went on a tour with Miri around the school to find out the community's needs, and they returned to the school with an idea for a social-environmental project.
Additionally, during the school year, the students visited the PayPal offices and got to learn from the company's executives.
"Kaplan" School in Petah Tikva
The Kaplan primary school in Petah Tikva is educating for entrepreneurship and continues this year in cooperation with us.
Earlier this year, the school principal Tali Toledano held a meeting with Galit Zamler to examine new opportunities for enriching the children's perspective on the subject of entrepreneurship.
This year the school celebrated the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2016 as well. The young students heard lectures by entrepreneurs from different disciplines.
"Shenkar" School in Holon
The Shenkar elementary school in Holon, led by Anat Gal Kohablom, holds the motto: "Educational excellence as a way of life."
This year, students from 5th to 6th grades attend entrepreneurial lessons based on this program of entrepreneurship.
The principal and three other teachers lead the lessons while serving as mentors for the students.
"Be'eri" School in Netanya
Over the past year and a half, the Be'eri school in Netanya, directed by Amalia Holvinger, has defined a unique type of education for entrepreneurship and personal empowerment.
The teachers continue the process of training and educate the students in the entrepreneurship spirit.
At the beginning of the year, a training session was held with the leading staff of teachers, which focused on the stages of a business plan based on the young students' ideas.
By the end of the year, students in fifth and sixth-grades will plan and promote environmental projects.
The teachers Osnat Hakon, Anat Moskowitz, and Yael Lux, asked and received a program that is tailored to third-grade students. It includes lesson plans that expose the students in an enjoyable way to the entrepreneurial skills while empowering the students and identifying their strengths.
A letter of thanks from the Be'eri school appears on the testimonials and opinion page.
"Mordei HaGeta'ot" School in Ramat-Gan
The Mordei HaGeta'ot school in Ramat-Gan, for students in first to eighth grades, is one of the first schools in Israel to recognize the importance of entrepreneurship education.
The school, led by Ronni Shasha, and its uniqueness is Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Business Management.
The school students acquire skills required in the 21st century in the labor market and life in general, accompanied by the teaching staff that supports and empowers the students, from the first grade.
At the beginning of the year, all the school staff heard a lecture about the process of developing initiatives within the school.
The lecture also displayed the characteristics of Israel as an entrepreneurial state, explained the importance of entrepreneurship education in schools in maintaining Israel's competitive advantage, and the encouragement of employment among young people.
"Kiryat Ye'arim" School in Ramat Hasharon
The focus of the Kiryat Ye'arim elementary school in Ramat Hasharon, which is directed by Etti Shick and her deputy Lilach Hefets, is positive thinking.
One of the characteristics of an entrepreneur is positive thinking and optimism, hence the school's connection to the entrepreneurial mindset, that our program fosters in young students.
Students, members of the student council learn the entrepreneurship program.
A team, part of the Student Council, leads processes and initiatives in favor of the school community.
"Pirchei HaMada" (Science's flowers) School in Rehovot
The Pirchei HaMada (Science's flowers) elementary school in Rehovot, led by the principal Liat Shani, begins its sixth and final year as a growing school.
The specialty of the school is science and arts, and it fosters creative and entrepreneurial thinking among the students.
This is the first school that teaches the second, third, and fourth graders entrepreneurship classes through the program's lesson plans.
The school organized an internal entrepreneurship week in which it invited many entrepreneurs to teach the students about their experience. Read about it on the Experiences page.
"Siach" School in Kibbutz Beit Haemek
The Siach elementary school in Kibbutz Beit Haemek, directed by Dudu Kochav is an alternative education school, which educates via dialogue.
This year, a group of students from 6th,7th, and 8th graders will be exposed to entrepreneurship education, accompanied by lesson plans from the program, and under the guidance of the school principal Dudu Kochav.
The entrepreneurial classes are being held once a week throughout the year and will be expanded as needed.
"A. D. Gordon" School in Kfar-Saba
The A. D. Gordon primary school in Kfar-Saba, led by principal Gila Ben-Yosef, became an entrepreneurship incubator focusing on scientific excellence.
During the school year, all school staff participated in a 30-hour annual teachers' development seminar on entrepreneurship education within the school, led by Galit Zamler. The course is approved by the Pisgah center in Kfar-Saba and is recognized for the purpose of proficiency.
The entrepreneurship lessons for all school children were held on Mondays during the school day.
The entrepreneurship classes for students in fifth and sixth-graders were based on the entrepreneurial program's modules.
During the school year, the students thought of many ideas for ventures, and some of them were realized by building models and active actions.
This year ended with an exciting Entrepreneurship Convention in which the students presented their ideas to their parents.
At the end of the school year, the teachers submitted the final project that included venture planning in groups by the teachers themselves and self-reflection. (Read on the recommendations page)
"HaMagen" School in Hod HaSharon
During May 2016, the HaMagen school staff in Hod HaSharon, led by principal Orna Baum, gathered for an introductory meeting about the topic, the importance of entrepreneurial education from a young age, and how it's done.
Middle School, "Yad Giora" in Herzliya
Ronit Cohen, the director of Yad Giora junior high, asked to provide the students at her middle school with essential life tools. This is where the connection to this school with us began.
After another meeting with the presence of the parents' leader, Sharon Eliyahu, they decided that three of the 7th-grade classes would participate in entrepreneurship lessons, most of which are based on this entrepreneurship program for kids.
Mr. Ze'ev Schneider was recruited by the parents to teach their students, and he received instruction and training on several modules of the program.
Student entrepreneurs took part in the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2016 and listened to lectures by guest entrepreneurs.
The school also joined the initiative of the Ministry of Education, "Move Yourself," and raised several ideas for projects. Some of the students' ideas for projects reached the finals, and two of them won the Innovation Award.
Read about the recommendations and reviews page the junior high principal's comments at the end of a successful school year and the short interview conducted with the student entrepreneurs.
The ministry of education in 'Ramat-Gan' city
The department of education of the Ramat-Gan city is headed by Mrs. Orit Itiel, the director of elementary education. Orit encourages schools in the city to implement the Entrepreneurship for Kids Program due to the understanding of the importance of the essential life skills and knowledge this program provides.
"Ussishkin" School in Ramat HaSharon
The Ussishkin school in Ramat Hasharon joined the schools that teach our program for entrepreneurship.
Miri Molco teaches the program, and the twenty-four young entrepreneurs are 5th and 6th-grade students who chose to take part.
The school is considered to be a hub for excellence and community entrepreneurship, and its students are used to execute projects since the school educates for entrepreneurship and encourages the students to do plenty of projects.
The purpose of the implementation of the program is to provide a structured framework for entrepreneurship classes at school.
During the entrepreneurship classes, the students wear tags with their names on them, next to 'young entrepreneur.'
The entrepreneurial team visited Google Waze, and Miri Molco summarized the visit:
"The visit was very successful. We heard a lecture from a developer at Waze, who is an Ussishkin alumna, and afterward, we toured around Google Waze. It was very nice. The children returned to school on a 'high.'"
The group of the young entrepreneurs will also attend a meeting with the head of the city's welfare department and a social worker to get to know the community's needs and to check possibilities for projects that will fulfill these needs.
The students had eleven ideas for projects, and they carried out two of them: A database of children who can operate birthday parties, and "Food paths."
"HaShalom" School in Mevaseret Zion
Students in the Amirim program at Hashalom school in Mevaseret Zion participated in an annual entrepreneurship program for the third year in a row, led by vice-principal Sigal Bar.
This year the young entrepreneurs have finished their studies with a 24-hour Hackathon that included, like real entrepreneurs: sleeping bags, development of preliminary models, and exciting lectures.
"Ramot Weizmann" School in Yavne
The Ramot Weizmann school in Yavne, directed by Amalia Swisa, started entrepreneurship education three years ago.
In the beginning, Mrs. Zamler Galit assisted the school staff members in the process of being a school that educates for entrepreneurship. Since then, several lesson plans from the program are being taught every year to all the students.
This year, all of the school staff was trained on the module of presentations and public speaking.
As in recent years, this year as well, the school observed the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2015 at a school assembly. Entrepreneurs' parents and guests spoke in the classes with the students about their experience as entrepreneurs from different disciplines.
The school has taken the entrepreneurship issue very seriously, and every year carries out many projects that stem from the students' need, identifying opportunities, and the desire to contribute to the community.
"Noam Mohaliver" School in Bnei Brak
The Noam Mohaliver school in Bnei Brak, directed by Dvorah Bar-On, teaches the Tora, excellence, and values.
Galit Zamler trained the school in implementing entrepreneurship education.
The school continues with the education of entrepreneurship during the following year, and an ecological garden is planned to be built.
Additionally, the school noted the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2015.
"Sadot" School in Pardes Hana
The uniqueness of the Sadot school in Pardes Hana-Karkur is innovative entrepreneurship.
The school noted the GEW this year. They invited entrepreneurs and offered different activities based on creativity and teamwork for all the students.
During the week, the 4th and 5th-grade students attended a lecture about teamwork from a variety of modules from the program's syllabus in entrepreneurship.
The Entrepreneurship Products Market event at the end of the year was summarized.
"Katznelson" School in Kfar-Sirkin
For the second year, the sixth graders at the Katznelson school in Kfar Sirkin, run by Ornit Gal, are studying entrepreneurship lessons.
Lee Glick is leading the program. The entrepreneurship lessons started during the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2015.
From the very beginning of the program, the students raised many ideas for projects.
Lee wrote her review of the entrepreneurial program, which is available on the reviews page.
'Mordei HaGeta'ot" School in Ramat-Gan
The Mordei HaGeta'ot school in Ramat-Gan, directed by Ronni Shasha, is an educator for leadership, entrepreneurship, and business management.
The school continued to cooperate with us and indicated the Global Entrepreneurship Week of 2015 through lectures for students ran by entrepreneurs from different disciplines.
"Kaplan" School in Petah Tikva
The Kaplan school in Petah Tikva, directed by Tali Toledano, educates for entrepreneurship and has continued to cooperate with us. It recognized the GEW2015 through lectures for students given by entrepreneurs from different disciplines.
The school held a "Festival of Entrepreneurship" on a record day, during which its students presented many laudable projects.
"Pras Nobel" school in Rishon Le Zion
The Pras Nobel school in Rishon Le Zion, directed by Dalia Cohen, is a school that educates for leadership.
The connection between leadership and entrepreneurship is inherent - a leader is also an entrepreneur.
All school staff members attended a lecture on entrepreneurship education to expose them to the importance of education for entrepreneurship from an early age.
"Yakir" School in the Shomron
The 5th and 6th-grade students from the Yakir school that is located in the Shomron are allowed to choose an elective course out of four available courses.
One of the courses is an entrepreneurship course that is based on the content of our program.
Lior Saban is the teacher assigned to teach the girls' class while Avihu Shalem is the teacher assigned to teach the boys' class.
According to the curriculum, the entrepreneurship course is covered in fifteen sessions of two hours each.
"Ofira Navon" School in Kfar Saba
The Ofira Navon elementary school offers some elective courses to choose from, on top of their school curriculum, for students who are enrolling.
Twenty students from the fifth and sixth grades have chosen entrepreneurship studies.
The educator, Dana Ben Shitrit, has combined the Do a Change project with the contents of this entrepreneurship program to create a blended program that fits the students' requirements.
Last year, the school students began a process of thinking and identifying needs; among them is the need to improve the appearance of the restrooms, as well as the school lockers.
Read about Dana's impression of the program on the recommendations page.
"Aliyot" School in Ramat Gan
The Aliyot school in Ramat Gan, under the administration of Tova Goldstein, educates on Israeli cultural values and teaches children in the second year the entrepreneurship program.
The program has been taught to 4th-grade children by the teacher Levanna Greenfeld, who taught the program in the previous year as well.
The school participates in and observes the Global Entrepreneurship Week with a guest lecture entrepreneur.
"Be'eri" School in Netanya
The Be'eri school in Netanya, under the administration of Amalia Holvinger, became a school that teaches entrepreneurship to its students last year.
Under the recommendation of Professor Dafna Kariv, this year, the school joined the schools that teach entrepreneurship under Galit Zamler's guidance.
The school staff participated in meetings for training in the implementation of the program.
All the young students in the school from first grade to sixth grade were exposed to entrepreneurial studies, and we also included the rationale in the lessons of the educational system.
The school marked the Global Entrepreneurship Week, for the first time, with a lecture about the SpaceIL project and guest entrepreneurs.
"Ilanot" School in Ashkelon
The Ilanot school in Ashkelon, under the management of the Principal Nurit Chachmon, educates for excellence and entrepreneurship.
Towards the beginning of the year, the school staff got trained and learned the first module of the entrepreneurship curriculum - Who is an entrepreneur?.
The school's ambition is to include all its students in entrepreneurial studies.
The school hosted the entrepreneur Ran Ne'eman as a guest entrepreneur speaker.
"Alumot" School in Tel-Aviv
The Alumot public-religious school advocates Judaism, talks about its benefits, and educates its students accordingly.
The school, under the management of Anat Blair, was exposed last year to the first study unit of the program.
In the same year, a group of students participated in the first Hackathon for young students in Israel, which was attended by four elementary schools in the country.
This year, a Hackathon was planned for the school and its students, as well as expanding the entrepreneurship studies. The teacher Orna Ya'akovson led the whole school - teachers and students.
The school observed GEW for the first time in 2015, during which guest entrepreneurs came to the school and exposed the scene of entrepreneurship to the students.
"Ironi A" High School in Modi'in
Students in eighth and ninth grades in the Ironi A High School participate throughout the year in a two hours a week entrepreneurship class. Teacher Michal Wexler, led the course, which is part of the Amirim program.
The lessons are based on the EFK program materials and modules.
The goal is to expose the students to the entrepreneurship world, brainstorm ideas, and execute social projects.
"HaManhil" School in Ramat-Gan
The HaManhil school in Ramat-Gan, under the management of Ayala Elbaz, educates on leadership and entrepreneurship and implements our entrepreneurship curriculum for kids this year as well.
The school believes in nurturing leadership skills and entrepreneurship as a lever to promote optimal function of learning and achievement in the 21st century.
Michal Mamman has instructed the program, and all students from Grades 3 and 4 attend. Fifteen students from Grades 6 and 7 who have chosen entrepreneurship and leadership studies, as well as fifteen students from grade 8 who have chosen the entrepreneurship path.
The program is being taught for two hours weekly to each learning group.
At the beginning of the program, the students had a lecture by the entrepreneur Carmi Sternberg.
The school observed Global Entrepreneurship Week for the first time.
During the year, after some appointments, the student entrepreneurs began coming up with ideas for projects. Read about them in the Ideas for Projects page.
In the same year, the students executed these project ideas. More details are also available on the Kids Initiate web page.
"Harel" School in Bat-Yam
The Harel school in Bat-Yam, under the management of Principal Daniella Peretz, joined the schools that educate for entrepreneurship.
By the end of the first day of school, the school staff had a lecture by Galit Zamler, aimed to expose them to the entrepreneurship education subject.
The parents' committee also had a lecture about the importance of entrepreneurial education from an early age and how to do so.
The school marked for the first time the Global Entrepreneurship Week, as well as hosted entrepreneurship lectures by guest speakers.
Department of Education in Ramat-Gan
The department of education in the municipality of Ramat-Gan, headed by Mrs. Orit Itiel, the manager of the Department of Elementary Education in the city, encourages schools to teach this entrepreneurship program to children so that they can learn entrepreneurial skills which will prepare them for success in life.
"Ussishkin" School in Ramat Hasharon
The Ussishkin school in Ramat Hasharon is a school defined as the hub of excellence and community entrepreneurship. The school promoted many projects during the year and presented them to the parents at a final event.
At the same event, many lecturers and guests with different ideologies were invited, and Galit Zamler gave two hours of lectures about teamwork for two classes of 6th-graders.
"HaManhil" School in Ramat-Gan
The HaManhil school in Ramat Gan, under the management of Ayala Elbaz, educates children from 1st grade to 8th grade for leadership and entrepreneurship, with an emphasis on social projects.
The school joined those that enroll their children in the entrepreneurship program, since the teacher Michal Mamman, who had led the program at the Mordei HaGeta'ot School the previous year, aroused the interest of the principal in it.
The program was learned in two leading groups of 7th and 8th grades for two hours a week, with the guidance of Michal Mamman.
At the beginning of the program, the students had a lecture by the entrepreneur Carmi Sternberg.
Throughout the program, the children thought of project ideas, and one of the groups executed the plan of having a squeezed fruit juice stand, as well as changing the school bell from the norm to a custom one, chosen by the students.
"Hebrew Reali" School in Haifa
The uniqueness of the Hebrew Reali School in Haifa is leadership. At the initiative of the school principal, Ayala Juda, in the second half of the 2014 - 2015 school year, they joined the schools that teach their students an entrepreneurship course.
Eighteen students from the fourth grade participated in the course, hosted by Keren Mizrahi.
The program was taught for a weekly hour in the curriculum.
The group had a shared notebook, and inside was written all the ideas that the kids had for projects. The beginning of each session would be devoted to discussing ideas, whether it is worthwhile to invest in its implementation, what is required to do so, etc. In this manner, they practiced presenting the idea to the class, giving feedback, and asking questions.
Read the selected ideas on the ideas page for projects - those were presented to parents on parents' day. The projects of the students are on the Kids Initiate page, and the visit to the company Elite, which merged with the Strauss Company, is on the experiences from the program page.
At the end of the school year, the young entrepreneurs received a certificate for their participation in the program:
Read the letter from Keren Mizrahi on the recommendations page, which summarizes the program's learning process.
"HaShalom" School in Mevaseret Zion
The HaShalom school in Mevaseret Zion, managed by Zehava Issachar, and initiated by her deputy Sigal Bar, teaches the EFK program to the outstanding students of Amirim group.
This is the second year that the group of honor students has participated in the program that is taught every Wednesday for two hours. They started to get exposure to the entrepreneurship world in fourth grade, and this year they delve into it to empower the students and provide them with tools for young and active leadership at the school.
This year the students were exposed to the following modules from the program: Understanding the Business Plan - Part B, social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship is for everyone, presentation, and public speaking.
During the last year, students explored ideas for projects, and the implementation of a student room was decided on, a project that was executed after Purim.
To finance the construction of the students' room project, the students organized a Tu Beshvat fair.
Students who attend the program took part in the first Hackathon for students of these ages in Israel in cooperation with four schools. The Hackathon took place during Global Entrepreneurship Week 2014.
As part of the Hackathon, students carried out two projects: one in favor of the class - Class organizer project - which we strongly encourage you to adopt in your school as well. And the second - Dumishush. It is a domino game for the blind.
The entrepreneur students and their parents met and had a lecture by an entrepreneur guest, Liat Henriette Zilber.
Read Sigal Bar's review of the program on the recommendations and reviews page.
"Sadot" School in Pardes Hana
The Sadot school in Pardes Hana - Karkur is a growing school that opened in 2013, and its uniqueness is in innovative entrepreneurship.
Last year, the school staff, accompanied by Galit Zamler and other professionals, studied the issue of entrepreneurship. This year, as part of the school curriculum, two hours per week on Sundays are devoted to introducing entrepreneurship to young students, with an emphasis on the kids' ideas for projects.
The school students learned the first three modules of the program and other topics that the school formulated.
One of the highlights in the learning process took place on the Day of Knowledge on the subject of entrepreneurship - on that day, entrepreneurs arrived and shared their own professional experience with the students.
Among the guest entrepreneurs are Miri Kocher - initiator of KishKush, Doron Zexer, and the initiator of Shopgood, the first social shopping mall in Israel and Galit Zamler, the founder of this entrepreneurship curriculum for kids.
Read the Kids Initiate page about the school's projects.
"Katznelson" School in Kfar-Sirkin
The Katznelson school in Kfar-Sirkin, which is managed by Oranit Gal, has taught sixth-graders entrepreneurship classes based on our program since 2014.
The implementation was conceived by Elionur, a mother of two children attending school in grades 3 and 6. Elionur sought to give her children the knowledge, skills, and individual initiative after she watched the television show "The Venture," in which children entrepreneurs took part.
The young students learn the program two hours a week on Mondays and Thursdays under the guidance of the art teacher in the school, Lee Glick, and the kids carry out projects for the benefit of the community during the year.
Lee wrote after the first module of study, that exposed the students to the subject of entrepreneurship:
"Last week, I introduced the presentation to two classes.
The children liked it and were enthusiastic. The homework assignments for the next week are:
1. To detect a distressed population and locate a significant problem in that population.
2. If there is an idea for a project, write it down. The project does not necessarily have to be related to the problem and the population that you researched."
Later the students had lectures by two guest entrepreneurs: Hanan Shemesh and Liat Henriette Zilber.
"Aliyot" School in Ramat-Gan
The Aliyot school in Ramat-Gan, by Tova Goldstein, educates for valuable Israeli culture and has been teaching the children's entrepreneurship program since the beginning of the year.
Thanks to the principal's vision, this program began in 2009, when she chose to teach the program at the "Moreshet Moshe" school in Ramat Gan, which she ran.
Fourth-graders learn the program with the teacher Levana Greenfeld, who knows how to identify opportunities and create changes that benefit the environment.
The school noted the Global Entrepreneurship Week among the fourth-grade students in a lecture about the SpaceIL rocket ship project and talk with entrepreneur children who invented a Shirt for any size. The kids told the students how the idea came up and how it was realized.
Students of the Aliyot school have raised many ideas for projects, learned to present their ideas to the public at a specific time, and thus learned about the importance of conveying a focused message. They insisted on respect while talking, listening, and learning how and when to ask questions - all this while they experienced presenting their ideas for projects in the class.
Next stage, the entrepreneur students prepared sketches of the ideas.
Finally, the young students prepared a concise presentation of their idea and presented it in class. We expanded about the process and experience on this page.
"HaIrisim" School in Karmiel
Ronni Shtekler, a teacher and a coordinator of English in the HaIrisim school in Karmiel, was exposed a few years ago to the importance of entrepreneurship education. Since then, every year, she has taught one module from the program during the Global Entrepreneurship Week.
This year as well, during GEW2014, Ronni hosted one module from the program - Entrepreneurship Anyone Can - this is a specially prepared lesson plan for schools that are interested in giving their students a taste of entrepreneurship.
Ronni is herself an entrepreneur, and therefore the subject speaks from her heart. While working at a school, Ronni developed a kit to help learn English in the correct instruction method called Learn English and Remember.
Read Ronni's review of the program on the recommendations page.
"HaBiluim" School in Ramat-Gan
Following the recommendation of the Department of Education in the municipality of Ramat Gan, the HaBiluim school, managed by Michael Pinto, joined the schools that implement the entrepreneurship program.
Mr. Michael Pinto, the school principal, directs the program for seventh-grade classes, and that's while connecting to the uniqueness of the school - design, and architecture.
After the students learned about the different types of projects, they decided on the execution of the project: A vintage store selling clothes.
The young entrepreneurs planned and realized their venture with great success. You can read about it on the Kids Initiate page.
"Arnon" School in Ramat Gan
The Arnon school also joined teaching our entrepreneurship lessons, following the recommendation of Orit Itiel, the Director of the Department of Elementary Education in Ramat Gan.
Teacher Yoram Cohan teaches the program in fifth and sixth grades.
Yoram Cohan has a background and experience in entrepreneurship and formerly led some projects in various fields. Read in detail about Yoram on the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2014 page, during which Yoram also participated as a guest entrepreneur.
"Alumot" School in Tel-Aviv
Public religious Alumot school supports the value of Judaism to your degree and educates its students accordingly.
The school, headed by Anat Blair, has encouraged education for entrepreneurship for several years and this year by teaching our program as well.
The whole school staff members attended one session of preparation for the next school year. This session trained and prepared them for the implementation of the first module of the program.
Although this is the first year that the school has been exposed to the topic of entrepreneurship in education, the development and work of the school were great; the school participated in three events of the Hackathon that was split between four schools, after which the entrepreneur students presented lovely and useful projects.
Besides, the participation of students, accompanied by the teacher Orna Yakobzon in the Hackathon events and their visits to other schools, opened their eyes to the ability to initiate projects within the school framework in various fields.
The young entrepreneurs declared on the following activities: replacement of the school bell from regular to playing music, and holding an internal Hackathon for the school students.
"Kaplan" School in Petah Tikva
The Kaplan school in Petah Tikva, directed by Tali Toledano, continues this year to teach entrepreneurship lessons of the program.
The Kaplan school's motto is "we initiate nonstop."
Tali accepted the challenge of the first Hackathon in Israel for students in grades four, five and six, during the GEW 2014. The Hackathon was in cooperation with three other primary schools from different cities in Israel: Yad Mordechai school in Bat Yam, Alumot school in Tel-Aviv, and the HaShalom school in Mevaseret Zion. They all took up the challenge of the Hackathon.
Also, Bat and Bar Mitzvah children from the sixth grade launched the project Happy is Healthy.
During the past school year, the collaboration of the school with our program for kids was particularly fruitful. At its peak, a delegation of leading educators arrived from developing countries to study how the school teaches entrepreneurship.
"Mordei HaGeta'ot" School in Ramat-Gan
The Mordei HaGeta'ot school in Ramat-Gan headed by Ronni Shasha educates for leadership, entrepreneurship, and business management. The school noted the GEW 2014 at an evening event: "Coffee Entrepreneur," in which the parents had lectures from entrepreneurs from various fields.
This video illustrates, in a nutshell, the school's uniqueness of leadership, entrepreneurship, and business management. The video was screened to those who attended the event.
The school year 2013 - 2014 was saturated with learning and cooperation with the Galit Zamler's program.
In the school year 2014 - 2015, the Mordei HaGeta'ot school continued teaching the program among two groups: One in grades 3 to 5 guided by the teacher Sarit Alfital, and the second in classes 6 and 7 conducted by the teacher Sarit Berman.
During the year, the leadership group initiated a Costume Fair and ran an activity for grades 1 and 2 in honor of independence day. Besides, the group visited the Milbat association that helps to develop accessories for disabled people.
"Tze'elon" School in Be'er-Ya'akov
The school Tze'elon in Be'er-Ya'akov, managed by Ronit Barel, is an entrepreneurship educator. The school celebrated for the second time the Global Entrepreneurship Week.
The students carried out many projects such as a school radio station, an hour of storytime that the students run in the lower grades, raising awareness in regards to the food sector, publishing a digital newspaper, creating a digital folder with families recommendations for trips and so on.
The school principal's gratitude letter appears on the reviews page.
"Noam Mohaliver" School in Bnei-Brak
The religious Noam Mohaliver school in Bnei-Brak, managed by Deborah Bar-On, started from the school year 2014 - 2015 to implement the entrepreneurship program among its students.
The school changed its name from Masuot Mohaliver to Noam Mohaliver and engraved on its flag, the Torah education, excellence, entrepreneurship, respect, and values.
During the year, there was a meeting to introduce the topic of entrepreneurship education. During the summer break, we held a second meeting with all school staff members, who were instructed and trained on entrepreneurial skills from the variety of the program's modules.
After the meeting, Deborah Bar-On, the Director of the school, wrote the following:
"It was inspiring and useful; we're off. Thank you!!!"
During the school year, female students participated in the program, discussed ideas for projects and carried out two of them: Puzzles for small children, and Floor painting - read about them in detail at the children initiate page.
Read the letter from the school principal, on the recommendations, thanks, and reviews web page.
"Yad Mordechai" School in Bat Yam
The Yad Mordechai school managed by Avivit Misterial, indicates this year, like the last two years, the GEW.
This photo was taken in class 4 at the school, highlighting the importance of teamwork to the success of entrepreneurs.
During this school year, the Yad Mordechai school took part in the first three Hackathon events for grades 4-6 in Israel and even hosted three other schools in one of the events.
The children entrepreneurs from the Yad Mordechai school, initiated two projects: a game for blind children Who am I? And a Bottle Keeper - keeps bottles.
The school students raise ideas for projects during the year, and at the end of the year, they choose an idea that they implement themselves.
"Ramot-Weizman" School in Yavne
The Ramot-Weizman school in Yavne, headed by Amalia Suissa, is an entrepreneurial educator, and this year, like the last one, marks the Global Entrepreneurship Week with Mrs. Zamler's help.
"Sadot" School in Pardes Hana-Karkur
The Sadot school in Pardes Hana - Karkur, is a growing school, which was opened at the beginning of the school year.
Talmor Clos is the school director. She defined the school's uniqueness in innovative entrepreneurship and hence, the connection to our program that encourages entrepreneurship education from an early age.
The school staff learned under the guidance of Galit Zamler the first three modules of the program in one intensive session.
Every Friday, there is a personal platform for students, in which students volunteer to tell their friends about a subject that interests them, alongside their parents, who come to encourage and support them.
Also, there are some initiatives in school activities such as a circus attended by school students, a band, and a medical team.
"Masuot Mohaliver" School in Bnei-Brak
The public-religious school for girls Masuot Mohaliver in Bnei-Brak, directed by Deborah Bar-On, joins other schools that have the uniqueness of entrepreneurship, and this year starts the process of teaching materials based on our program.
The school staff learned the first module of the program and the implications of being an entrepreneurial school.
"Brenner"s School in Givatayim
A group of outstanding second-year students participating in the Amirim is taking a course based on our entrepreneurial lesson plans.
Their teacher, Mazal Shalev, guided the group.
In the previous school year, the students learned the first three modules of the syllabus, and this year they will study the following modules:
Preparing a business plan parts A and B, information gathering, and teamwork.
Last year, the students' project for Purim was collecting unneeded clothes and then reselling them at a nominal price to other students. This project was a great success.
Later, the students brainstormed ideas for other projects.
Blich High School in Ramat Gan
This is the third year in the framework of Owls day that Blich high school students are exposed to lectures on entrepreneurship by Galit Zamler.
This year, ninth-grade students learned about entrepreneurial skills and how they can already acquire these skills now.
Galit talked about the following skills:
The ability to take calculated risks - the talk began with this subject. One student told that her grandfather invested all the money he'd saved for his pension in opening an electrical store. The investment failed, and the grandfather was left penniless.
Galit explained that risk should be calculated and, although we strongly believe in the success of the venture, we must always be prepared for what might happen if the project fails. Are we willing and able to pay the price?
The students learned about the possibilities of raising money from private investors and crowdfunding as an alternative to reduce the risks of being an entrepreneur, with all the implications involved in each method.
The ability to deal with failure - it was made clear to the students that as entrepreneurs, you must be able to deal with failure since it is likely that at least one project you start will fail.
The message conveyed is that failure should be treated as gaining experience, learning lessons from it, and moving on.
Admitting failure toughens us. Do not worry about what people will say because if we worry about what others think and say - we may only get mediocre achievements.
Entrepreneur try, and if they do not succeed -> they concede failure -> draw conclusions -> and begin again from the start.
The ability to start over - students were presented with several examples of entrepreneurs who started again, some even more than once until eventually, they succeeded.
The ability to work in a team - The chances of a venture's success increase significantly when it comes to more than one person, so you should start learning to work as a team right now. In other words: put your ego aside and know-how to listen, know how to get and give feedback, know to trust others, and delegate authority.
The lecture for the Blich high school students.
"Tze'elon" School in Be'er Ya'akov
The Tze'elon school has been managed from the start of the year by Ronit Barel, who continues in this second year to teach our study units on entrepreneurship.
The school teachers were trained in these first three subjects: who is an entrepreneur? Entrepreneurial skills, the environment influence, and learning from the experience of others.
The teachers made adjustments based on different age levels, add content related to the study subject's curriculum, and generally enrich the children's world.
This year, the Tze'elon school celebrated the GEW2013 for the first time. The school's ceremony was attended by educators, parents, and students, with lectures from entrepreneurs who came to the school and shared their experiences, lessons, and workshops throughout the week with the students.
A letter from the school principal, Ronit Barel, is on the Recommendations page.
"Kaplan" School in Petah Tikva
The Kaplan school, headed by Tali Toledano, was one of the first schools to teach the entrepreneurial lessons of our program. This is the fourth year that the school has implemented it.
Kaplan school has engraved on its flag education for entrepreneurship, and as such, the connection with our EFK program is inherent and necessary.
This year, a group of fifth-graders participated in a series of meetings that dealt with selected modules from our table of contents, during which the students discussed ideas for projects and went to visit a high-tech company - Side Kick - which develops digital games.
In addition, the school marked the GEW by ceremonies, entrepreneurs talks, workshops on entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial workbooks, which were developed by the school teachers for all grades.
On the last day of the entrepreneurship week, students operated booths they set up as part of the flagship project to support hospital kids from Schneider with all proceeds going to the benefit of sick children.
This presentation somewhat conveys the atmosphere and the importance of entrepreneurship education in school.
Following the process with the students, principal Tali Toledano wrote a gratitude letter.
"HaIrisim" School in Karmiel
This year, the HaIrisim school in Karmiel continues to expose its students to an innovative mindset during GEW 2013 by using our entrepreneurship lesson plans.
This year, in light of the cooperation with the SpaceIL project, school students attended lectures by Noam Tene, a volunteering professor on the spacecraft project. He told the students about the project, and aroused the students' interest in science, as this is one of the ideals for the ambitious venture in Israel.
"Ramot Weizmann" School in Yavne
The Ramot Weizmann school in Yavne opened the year by introducing the first three modules of the program to the children, led by the academic coordinator at the school, who passed the knowledge and material to the school staff.
During September and October, the teachers conveyed this knowledge to the students, combining it with presentations, videos, and experiential activities.
All of the school's students participated in the entrepreneurship classes from first grade to sixth grade, after having adjusted to the different levels.
During GEW 2013, the Ramot Weizmann school hosted entrepreneurs who shared their entrepreneurial experience with the students.
The school, directed by Amalia Suissa, held an Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship conference in the presence of parents, school staff, educators, and the Mayor of Yavne, Mr. Zvi Gov - Ari.
This is a presentation on the process of choosing the school's uniqueness and its actions in promoting multidisciplinary entrepreneurship education.
"Mordei HaGeta'ot" School in Ramat Gan
The Mordei HaGeta'ot school in Ramat Gan is teaching leadership, entrepreneurship, and business management.
The school principal, Ronni Shasha, and her deputy, Sarah Bahar, chose to teach entrepreneurship studies according to this program, this year as well.
Students in grades 3-5 who chose the leadership development path participated in the program, which was managed by the teacher Michal Mamman.
Another group of students in grades 6-8 who chose the same path participated in the program, hosted by Galit Zamler.
The program study was held throughout the year, once a week, on Mondays.
The program combined the two leadership classes, and they went for a tour outside of the school:
One leadership group toured the Tel Aviv-Jaffa Academy. Click on the link to see the presentation of the visit.
The other group of young entrepreneurship leaders visited the fashion store named "boo," managed by Rotem Eyal. The purpose of the visit was to check the possibility of executing a shirt for any size venture, which was one of the project ideas submitted by the students.
The program also invited guest lectures for the two groups:
The entrepreneur, Eyal Amiel, a guest lecturer that talked with the older students on how to succeed and to fulfill your dreams.
Haggai Cohen also talked with the older group about the principles of applied physics and identifying opportunities for ventures from our immediate environment.
Guest lecturer, Sibel Zuaretz, developer of the flower yoga method, shared with the young group the process that brought her to the success she is currently experiencing.
Moreover, this year, the Mordei HaGeta'ot school celebrated GGEW 2013, during which entrepreneurs from various fields came to the school and shared their entrepreneurial experiences with the students.
It was a truly empowering experience for students who hosted a delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, consisting of leading educators from developing countries, teaching them how the Mordei HaGeta'ot school teaches entrepreneurship.
The two entrepreneurial leadership groups came up with ideas for projects and executed some of them. You can read about the process in its entirety here: the process of choosing ideas for projects, evaluating, and executing them.
After a year of practicing, learning, and empowerment, Ronni Shasha wrote a gratitude letter - which appears on the recommendations page.
The Democratic "Lev Hasharon" School in Even Yehuda
The Democratic Lev Hasharon School, managed by Yuval Shapira, and under the guidance of teacher Shoshi Amrami, began teaching entrepreneurship and wise consumption for students in grades seven, eight, and nine.
For the coming academic year, 17 students from grades 7-9 will attend the program following their choices.
Shoshi Amrami, an entrepreneur from a young age, has made a series of executive positions in the business sector, and this year began teaching at the democratic school Lev Hasharon.
Shoshi teaches the Bible, computers, Israeli heritage and Jewish holidays, and in light of the knowledge and experience gained in the field of entrepreneurship, has offered to enrich students with knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship and wise consumption.
For Purim, participants of the program initiated the project Costumarket, which we wrote about on the Kids Initiate page.
"HaShalom" School in Mevaseret Zion
The HaShalom school in Mevaseret Zion, headed by Zehava Issachar, has been teaching our entrepreneurship program to the talented students of Amirim since 2014.
Sigal Bar, the deputy director of the school, and a math teacher asked Galit Zamler to implement her knowledge of entrepreneurship education into the school framework. After initial training, Sigal teaches the group entrepreneurship classes.
The school challenges its students to excel and enrich their knowledge in other areas in addition to the educational framework.
The concept adopted by the school staff is that a student will contribute from his skills, his knowledge, and his abilities to the school community.
The school chose entrepreneurship studies as an empowerment program for the students to give the tools to be a young active leader in the school.
Twenty-two outstanding students from 4th grade, taking part in the Amirim program, learn for three years entrepreneurial topics from our program syllabus.
In the first year - exposure to the subject as a thinking group, in the second year - deepening, in the third year - the actual implementation.
During the program, the students and their parents gathered for a lecture on the SpaceIL project.
"Aley Givah" School in Givat Avni
The Aley Givah elementary school is located in Givat Avni, which is in lower Galilee.
Efrat Ben-Zur is the school director. This is an experimental school that combines learning with enjoyment.
Orna Naftali, the school's social coordinator, chose to teach entrepreneurship to a selected group of students.
Students learned the modules from the table of contents, in two-week sessions, during which they met guest entrepreneurs and established their own ventures.
"Tze'elon" School in Be'er Ya'akov
The Tze'elon school in Be'er Ya'akov chose the uniqueness of entrepreneurship education. The slogan chosen to mark this uniqueness was: Leadership Initiative in Tze'elon.
School principal Shirley Offer Moyal chose to teach our modules.
The program was taught by school staff who were trained by Galit Zamler on how to teach entrepreneurship classes.
In the teachers' room, there is the following motto:
"Blich" High School in Ramat Gan
The Blich high school in Ramat-Gan organizes this second consecutive year, Owls Day, and our guest entrepreneurs took part.
This year, Sharon Mualem, shared with the students the process of establishing an online sports enterprise named EVT,
Galit Zamler talked to the students about how they can direct themselves to successful entrepreneurship in the future.
"Ramot Weizmann" School in Yavne
The Ramot Weizmann school in Yavne, under the direction of Amalia Suissa, choose from the 2013 school year its uniqueness of multidisciplinary entrepreneurship education.
The goal of the school is to develop entrepreneurial skills in students: developing thinking, curiosity, criticism, creativity, innovation, independent management, learning from the experience of others, self-expression, collaboration and teamwork, creative freedom, and turning difficulty into an opportunity.
The entrepreneurship program for children also teaches these skills, and its adoption by the school made sense.
Entrepreneurship education is done in combination with the Ministry of Education's curriculum in the various disciplines and with all school students.
The program will be implemented under the guidance of the teachers at the school.
The first modules taught from the program are: who is an entrepreneur? Entrepreneur's skills and influence of the environment, learning from the experience of others, and teamwork.
"Brenner" School in Givatayim
The Brenner school, managed by Ronit Greif in Givatayim, joined with the other schools this year to cultivate entrepreneurial thinking in their students.
The program is taught to groups of students from grade 4, in the framework of Amirim by the teacher Mazal Shalev.
Read about the student venture on the Kids Initiate page.
At the end of the process, the students prepared a presentation summarizing the learning process:
"Mordei HaGeta'ot" School in Ramat-Gan
The Mordei HaGeta'ot school in Ramat-Gan, headed by Ronni Shasha and her deputy Sarah Bahar, organized this year an extensive activity during the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2012, in which the school hosted many guest entrepreneurs.
Read about the GEW activities in the Mordei HaGeta'ot: A booklet produced by the school (in Hebrew).
"HaIrisim" School in Karmiel
The HaIrisim school in Karmiel continues the tradition by teaching entrepreneurial lessons during Global Entrepreneurship Week.
Also, this year, under the guidance of English teacher and entrepreneur Ronni Shtekler, students studied one of the various topics offered in the entrepreneurial program.
"Kaplan" School in Petah Tikva
The Kaplan school in Petah Tikva marked this year with the encouragement of Mrs. Zamler, with the participation of supervisors on behalf of the GEW 2012.
"Amirim" School in Binyamina
The Amirim school joined the schools teaching entrepreneurship lessons as an enrichment program.
The school principal Galit Goren was exposed to the program following the recommendation of Hila Atias, a mother of students attending school.
The program is hosted by Hila Attias Almagor, who deals with business feasibility and business accompaniment, specializes in collaborative consumption, and the blogger behind the Shareable Lifestyle.
Hila holds a BA in political science and sociology and a Master's degree in management and communications strategy from Tel Aviv University.
The local newspaper Gefen wrote about the group that participated in the program and their health bar project.
Hila Attias
Twenty outstanding students of 4th, 5th, and 6th-graders participated in the course.
The goal was to introduce students to the world of the entrepreneurs and provide them with tools that will enable them to succeed in life.
During the program, the students planned and carried out the project Barbari - a health bar.
Also, as part of the program, the entrepreneur students visited the start-up company Playcast. Read about it on the experiences from the program page.
Read more about the group ideas for projects, the chosen approach for execution, and the school principal's letter (on the recommendations page).
"Yad Mordechai" School in Bat-Yam
From the start of the 2013 school year, it was determined that the uniqueness of the Yad Mordechai school in Bat Yam managed by Avivit Ministerial would be an institution that promotes entrepreneurial and innovative thinking.
Orly Maimon is in charge of the process of transforming the school to be an entrepreneurial educator. She led the pilot with the EFK program among 4th-grade students.
The students were divided into four groups of entrepreneurs in four areas: bird watching, theater, art, and unconditional love.
At first, the students learned the subject of entrepreneurship, and each one of them was assigned to a group according to his or her interests.
The groups learn lessons related to the entrepreneurial process under the guidance of school teachers, who receive training accordingly.
As part of the program's final project, each group will set up a venture in the field they chose.
The guest entrepreneur, Roy Julus, told the participating students about his venture developing pots adapted to hanging on the balcony railings.
"Mordei HaGeta'ot" School in Ramat-Gan
The Mordei HaGeta'ot school, which focuses on leadership, entrepreneurship, and business administration, chose the Entrepreneurship for Kids Program as an enrichment program for its students.
The program was fully implemented, and one project was realized by a group of seventeen students from grade 4.
The modules that were taught in the program were:
Who is an entrepreneur, entrepreneurial skills, the environment influence on the entrepreneur, learning from others' experience, the business plan part A, creativity, innovation, risk, brainstorming, gathering information, business plan part B, teamwork, and marketing.
The young entrepreneurs came up with ideas for projects, and after the prioritization process, the entrepreneur students chose a project to implement - dog adoption day at school, accompanied by the science teacher, Shirley Ben-Yaakov, who coordinated the entrepreneurship studies.
From the planning process to the implementation, the following video was produced:
Read the young entrepreneurs' letter on the recommendations page.
"Blich" High School in Ramat-Gan
Our guest entrepreneurs took part in Owls day (A day when people from various fields of practice, tell students about their work) to students in grade 9 that took place in Blich high school in Ramat-Gan.
Galit Zamler gave a lecture on the module: "Who is an entrepreneur?" What makes a person with ideas an entrepreneur? And the students talked about examples of entrepreneurs.
Also, the EVT (Effective Virtual Training) entrepreneurs shared with the students in the process they are going through while establishing the enterprise, the difficulties, confrontations, and determination on the road to success.
"Kaplan" School in Petah Tikva
The Kaplan school in Petah Tikva, which teaches entrepreneurship, also chose this year to implement the entrepreneurship program as enrichment lessons for students in sixth-graders.
The school launched the program at the GEW2011 as part of the "Entrepreneurial Happening" held in the school. Teamwork was the first session that took place for all students in grade 6.
An outline of the program implementation:
Module 2 - Who is an entrepreneur? - Meeting with two sixth-grade classes.
At this point, we formed a select group of 20 students from grade 6 who continued for additional sessions of the program.
Module 3 - How to start entrepreneurship?
Module 4 - Innovation, risk, and brainstorming.
Module 5 - Gathering information.
Module 6 - Internet marketing.
After the series of meetings, Kaplan's student entrepreneurs went for a visit at a high-tech company, Wix.
After the tour, the school staff wrote a thank you letter to Wix.
With the insights of sessions from the meetings of entrepreneurship classes and the visit to Wix, the young entrepreneurs began planning and executing a technological project in school: a community website. The project implementation was done with the help of their teacher.
"Hazav" Junior High School in Alfei Menashe
Members of the Central parents' committee of seventh-graders in the Hazav junior high school in Alfei Menashe chose Zamler's program as an enrichment course.
Starting in December 2011, parents taught seventh-graders lessons, based on this entrepreneurial syllabus.
All modules are ready with lesson plans from the content of the program, during which students learn to develop a project and take an active part with the help of parents and school staff in establishing at least one project.
"Psagot" School in Kiryat Bialik
The Psagot school in Kiryat Bialik aspires to foster students with leadership skills, hence the integration of the entrepreneurship program for children into the curriculum.
Fourteen fifth-graders chose to join the course, led by the academic coordinator, Nurit Evenshietz.
The program was fully implemented throughout the academic year, and the young students learned about:
- Who is an entrepreneur?
- Entrepreneur skills and his surrounding
- Learning from others' experiences
- The business plan part A and B
- Creativity
- Intellectual property, marketing strategy, pricing and product life cycle, teamwork, concepts from the business world, making difficulty into opportunity, and social entrepreneurship.
During the program, the children brainstormed ideas for projects, prepared a business plan and feasibility check, and implemented the projects with the help of the school staff.
"Ben Gurion" School in Givatayim
In May 2011, the Ben Gurion school in Givatayim hosted a meeting with Galit Zamler. Teacher Yael asked to host the program again for more sessions. She said her request was due to the children's wish.
Thus, the program was hosted in July 2011 for three additional meetings as part of a summer camp for students in grades 5 and 6.
During this camp, the following modules were taught:
- Learning from the experience of others
- Intellectual property
- Humor and optimism
"HaIrisim" School in Karmiel
During April & May 2011, fourth, fifth, and sixth graders attended a series of three sessions on entrepreneurship education based on the program's modules. A total of nine classes enjoyed this enrichment program.
Students learned the following modules:
- Who is an entrepreneur?
- Entrepreneur skills and the impact of the environment on the entrepreneur
- Learning from the experience of others
The meetings were hosted by Ronni Shtekler, an English teacher at the school and an entrepreneur who developed the remedial English kit: Learn English and Remember.
The meetings from this enrichment program were very successful. You can read Ronni's on the review page.
"Mamlachti A" School in Hod Hasharon
In May 2011, one entrepreneurship lesson was held on budget management for the 5th-grade at the Mamlachti A school in Hod Hasharon. Etti Solomon managed the meeting.
The subject matter was illustrated by using a cake that served as a certain budget, and that should be shared among all students.
At the end of the meeting, the students understood what a budget is, its sources, and its various uses. It was easy for the students to understand the subject of budgeting when it came to their budget as well as their family budget.
Besides, the students examined the state budget, and we discussed the reasons why there are many discussions on the budget.
"Ben Gurion" School in Givatayim
In May 2011, Galit Zamler held a meeting with 6th-graders at the Ben Gurion school in Givatayim to cover the first module: What is the definition of an entrepreneur?
The meeting took place following the recommendation of one of the student's mothers who knew the content of the program well and the positive impact it can have on the children after her son participated in the program at the city's community center.
The students expressed a desire to establish a kiosk at their school, as was done in the program at the Moreshet Moshe school in Ramat Gan.
"Kaplan" School in Petah Tikva
In March 2011, 6th-graders from the Kaplan school were hosted by Microsoft. Before the tour, the students learned about cloud computing so that they could demonstrate knowledge on the subject.
Mrs. Zamler stayed for five sessions at Kaplan, whose curriculum fosters entrepreneurship education. After a series of meetings, a tour was set for sixth-grade students to Microsoft Israel.
The content of the meetings in the Kaplan school was determined in coordination with the school administration and was incorporated as part of the curriculum.
- Social entrepreneurship, business-entrepreneurship, and social business entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneur skills and the impact of the environment on the entrepreneur
- Learning from the experience of others
- High-tech entrepreneurship (in preparation for the tour to Microsoft Israel)
- Intellectual property
The school board wrote Galit Zamler a letter at the end of the sessions, which is presented on the recommendation page.
Watch the video of the Kaplan students studying cloud computing - a collaboration between Microsoft and the Entrepreneurship for Kids Program.
"Moreshet Moshe" School in Ramat-Gan
The Moreshet Moshe school in Ramat Gan is a religious, scientific, and a community school. As part of enriching students in the sciences, the school organized a series of afternoon lectures.
Galit adapted her talk to the material taught at the school and dealt with the topic of the researcher scientist like an entrepreneur.
Community Center Sde Boker
The children's entrepreneurship program took place as an after-school activity at the Sde Boker center in Givatayim.
Galit taught the kids all twenty-six modules during which the children met with entrepreneur guests. They also took part in a social project of packaging gifts for children with kidney diseases, from the Tal's Hope foundation.
Towards the end of the course, the children designed a final project. It was a stand in the community center, where they sold candies and cakes.
The children designed the stand, decided what to sell and for how much, examined their competitors, made a market survey carried out among children attending the center, divided roles amongst themselves, and mainly got excited.
Watch the video: Final project - food and sweets booth.
Day of Entrepreneurship at the "Kaplan" School in Petah Tikva
The Kaplan school in Petah Tikva is an entrepreneurship educator and is headed by the principal, Tali Toledano.
On December 24, 2010, the school held an all-day event of entrepreneurship in which it launched workbooks that deal with this subject.
This day was held in conjunction with the kids' entrepreneurial program, during which entrepreneur volunteers came, divided between school classes, talked about their projects, and encouraged the children to illustrate different aspects of entrepreneurship according to the level of understanding of each age group.
In this video, you can watch everything that happened on that day:
"Moreshet Moshe" School in Ramat-Gan
Following the success of the program in 2009, it was decided to implement the program in 2010 as well.
A group of students participated in 13 sessions during which they conceived the idea of the project (a kiosk at school), planned, built, and operated the booth for a week.
Enjoyment of learning and contribution to the enrichment of the children is reflected in their gratitude letters.
The launch of the program at the "Moreshet Moshe" School in Ramat Gan
Encouraged by its principal Tova Goldstein, 4th and 6th-graders at the Moreshet Moshe school in Ramat-Gan, took an entrepreneurship course at the end of the school day.
The course began with a series of eight meetings and achieved great success. Since then, it has been expanded and upgraded into a comprehensive study program.
This is a gratitude letter from a parent of one of the students who participated in the course. Other letters like it, on the Recommendations page.
To Galit Zamler, February 23, 2010
Re: Entrepreneurial Program
I want to thank you sincerely for the participation of my son - Kfir, in the entrepreneurial program.
For eight engaging sessions, you managed to pass to my son and his friends' ideas for business projects and among others: how to develop products, how to collect relevant information and use it wisely, how to reach the target audience of the product, how to integrate the chance of success and calculated risk, the process of setting up a company and using copyright and more.
Above all, the course provided my son tools for original thinking and developing his creative imagination and courage to stand in front of a crowd and bring his ideas publicly.
You led the course in a relaxed and fun atmosphere while using attractive visual forms. It has also been a mix of reality games and illustration of business development from the perspective of the entrepreneur.
I strongly recommended to all my acquaintances and friends.
In recognition,
Ayal Peitshiitzki