The Entrepreneurship for Kids Program has two parts:
Part One - Entrepreneurial skills:
For early grade students (2nd-4th) who are exposed for the first time to entrepreneurship education, it's best to start with a two-year program of 26 lesson plans, already prepared for the teacher, which helps students identify their strengths through the experiential learning of a variety of entrepreneurial skills.
Each skill has a structured lesson plan, which can be expanded by the teacher, and these are the skills learned: risk-taking, dealing with lack of success, creativity, courage to dare, communication skills, belief in yourself, tolerance of others and those who are different, dealing with new things, positive thinking, doing out of a desire, deciding and doing, wanting to learn and evolve, proper money management, the ability to work in teams, learning from mistakes, desiring to make a change, determination and perseverance, identifying opportunities, attentiveness, taking responsibility, distinguishing between the important and unimportant, focusing on a goal, awareness of the environment, negotiation, and public speaking.
Part Two - Entrepreneurship program:
For schools that are interested in developing their students' entrepreneurial thinking through practical experience.
The program is suitable for students from grades 4 to high school - contact Galit Zamler for more information.
Entrepreneurship for Kids Program is a modular enrichment program for schools, which includes a wide range of topics. Some are designed to empower children, and some provide professional knowledge from the entrepreneurial world. All of them encourage children to think independently and positively to achieve their goals and imparting values for life.
The modules are structured, ready to use, and accompanied by presentations, articles, exercises, videos, examples, and questions that encourage students to think.
The program is experiential, focused on the students' ideas for projects, and encourages entrepreneurship in the process of personal empowerment and motivation, while providing theoretical and practical knowledge.
The teachers teach the program in the schools after undergoing training by Galit Zamler.
The program has been implemented since 2009 with great success. You can read about it on the recommendations page and the about us page.
Program Syllabus
Module 1: Who is an entrepreneur? And examples of ventures
✓ Who is an entrepreneur?
✓ Why learn entrepreneurship?
✓ Different types of ventures
✓ Why are there people who want to be entrepreneurs?
✓ Examples of projects in various fields: adults and children
✓ Can we be entrepreneurs?
✓ Are we aware of the surroundings?
Module 2: Entrepreneurial skills and the impact of the surroundings on the entrepreneur
✓ What skills are required of the entrepreneur?
✓ Is it possible to acquire or develop such skills or part of them? How?
✓ The impact of the immediate surroundings on the entrepreneur
✓ Statements of a repressive environment
✓ Statements of a supportive environment
Module 3: Learn from others' experience
✓ Why learn from others' experiences?
✓ Common mistakes of entrepreneurs
✓ Learn from others - examples of failed projects
✓ Learn from others - filmed interviews with successful entrepreneurs
✓ The objectives of the project
✓ What is a vision?
✓ Why do I need a vision?
✓ Ten principles of successful entrepreneurship
Module 4: Understanding the business plan - part 1 and the Lean Canvas model
✓ Lean Canvas model for developing ideas for ventures
✓ How do I start a project?
✓ What is a business plan?
✓ Who needs a business plan, and why?
✓ The S.M.A.R.T model
✓ Sections of the business plan - Part I
✓ Executive Summary (One-Pager)
✓ Background - ours and of the product's
✓ Defining the product/service
✓ The market of the product/service: customers, suppliers, competitors
✓ Required resources: time, money, knowledge, personnel
Module 5: Understanding the business plan - part 2
✓ Goals and objectives
✓ Where and how to implement the project
✓ Product/service pricing
✓ The S.W.O.T model - weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, and threats
✓ Sales forecast
✓ Profit and loss forecast
✓ The legal knowledge required to realize the project
✓ Lessons learned and conclusions
Module 6: Gathering information
✓ Why does the entrepreneur need information?
✓ What kind of information does the entrepreneur need?
✓ Where do we find the information?
✓ What do we do with the information collected?
Module 7: Innovation, risk, and smart brainstorming
✓ What is innovation?
✓ The innovation paradox
✓ How do innovative people think?
✓ Why is innovation important?
✓ Experience in developing innovative ideas
✓ Innovation and risk - the connection between them
✓ What is smart brainstorming?
✓ Why do the smart brainstorming?
Module 8: Creativity
✓ What is creativity?
✓ The need for creativity
✓ The connection between creativity and entrepreneurship troubleshooting
✓ Barriers in creativity
✓ Exercises in creative thinking
✓ Techniques for creativity in entrepreneurship
✓ Creativity in advertising
Module 9: Setting up a company
✓ What is a company?
✓ What does a Ltd company mean?
✓ Where is a company registered?
✓ How to register a company?
✓ Who can establish a company?
✓ Deciding on a company name
✓ Advantages and disadvantages of establishing a company
✓ Alternatives for establishing a company
✓ Founders agreement
Module 10: Intellectual property
Commercial secret:
✓ What is a trade secret?
✓ Examples of trade secrets
✓ How do you keep a trade secret?
✓ What are copyrights?
✓ Why are copyrights needed?
✓ The effect of copyright infringement on the software industry
✓ Examples of copyright infringement
✓ What is a trademark?
✓ Examples of trademarks
✓ Trademark infringement
✓ Choosing a name for our product/service without infringing on the trademarks Ordinance
✓ The registration process
✓ Considerations of patent registration - for and against
✓ What may happen if we do not register a patent?
Module 11: The marketing plan
✓ What is marketing?
✓ What is a marketing plan?
✓ Why do we need a marketing plan?
✓ How do you approach building a marketing plan?
✓ The components of the marketing plan
✓ Product positioning
✓ The value perceived by the consumer
✓ Different ways of marketing
Module 12: Negotiation
✓ What is negotiation?
✓ Why is it important to learn about negotiating?
✓ Preconditions for negotiations
✓ Rules for conducting negotiations
✓ Four stages of negotiation
✓ Tips and tricks in negotiating
✓ Exercise in negotiation
Module 13: Pricing and product life cycle
✓ The difference between costing and pricing
✓ How to calculate project costs?
✓ Pricing methods
✓ The product and the brand
✓ Choosing a product name
✓ The life cycle of the product/service
✓ BCG model
✓ Barter
✓ The purchasing process by the consumer
✓ The purchasing process of complex products
✓ Steps in adopting a new product
✓ Spreading innovation
Module 14: Teamwork
✓ What is a team?
✓ The connection between teamwork and entrepreneurship
✓ Examples of teamwork
✓ Advantages and disadvantages of teamwork
✓ Teamwork characteristics
✓ The importance of the individual in the group
✓ Group influence on the individual
Module 15: Concepts from the business world, ten steps to success
✓ Consumer price index
✓ Inflation
✓ Recession
✓ Interest
✓ Exit
✓ Coordinating expectations
✓ Pivot
Ten steps to success - by Rick Pitino
Module 16: Budget
✓ What is a budget?
✓ The budget line-items
✓ Budget sources
✓ The family as a business that manages a budget
✓ Budget monitoring
Module 17: Humor and optimism
✓ What is humor?
✓ The connection between humor and laughter
✓ Advantages of using humor
✓ Rules for proper use of humor
✓ Humor in advertising - pros and cons
✓ Optimism vs. Pessimism
Module 18: Entrepreneurship - anyone can
✓ My abilities
✓ Thinking ahead
✓ High self-esteem
✓ Do not be afraid of hard work
✓ Identifying and exploiting opportunities
✓ The importance of interpersonal communication
✓ Independent and critical thinking
✓ Learning from experience
✓ The approach: we will try, and we may succeed
✓ Respecting the other and the different
✓ Don't give up, keep on trying
Module 19: Turning difficulty into an opportunity
✓ Examples of difficulties encountered by entrepreneurs
✓ Children raise suggestions for coping with the same difficulties
✓ How the entrepreneurs turned the difficulty into an opportunity
Module 20: Presentation and public speaking
✓ Why should an entrepreneur know how to speak in public?
✓ Different situations for speaking in front of an audience
✓ Preparing a pitch deck to present an idea for a project
✓ How does the audience see us?
✓ Presentation structure
✓ Components of a message transmission
✓ Dealing with stage fright
✓ Preparing and practicing for public speaking
✓ Dealing with unexpected problems during the speech/presentation
Module 21: Internet marketing
✓ What is marketing?
✓ The importance of the four Ps in online marketing
✓ Online marketing options
✓ Advantages of Internet marketing
✓ Ten mistakes people make in Internet marketing
✓ Building a website - what should you pay attention to?
✓ Search Engine Optimization
✓ How can anyone build a free website?
Module 22: Event production - entrepreneurship, which is never-ending
✓ Who is a producer?
✓ The producer's responsibility
✓ Expectations from the producer
✓ The return to the producer
✓ Defining the client's goals from the event
✓ Collecting information for the event
✓ Event Planning: schedule, tasks, roles, design, security
✓ Planning costs, profit and submitting a quote
Module 23: PR vs. Advertising
✓ What is advertising?
✓ What is public relations?
✓ Advertising - pros and cons
✓ PR - pros and cons
✓ The various means of advertising
✓ Why publicize yourself?
Module 24: Business intelligence
✓ What is intelligence?
✓ What is business intelligence?
✓ Different methods for business intelligence
✓ Examples of companies that make use of business intelligence
✓ Examples of companies that did not take business intelligence seriously
✓ We are like detectives
Module 25: Persuasion as a mean for achieving objectives
✓ What is persuasion?
✓ The difference between persuasion and argument
✓ How to persuade to choose me over others?
✓ Persuasion by storytelling
✓ When are entrepreneurs required to convince?
✓ Creativity in persuasion
✓ Tips for success in the process of persuasion
Module 26: Social entrepreneurship
✓ What is social entrepreneurship?
✓ How do we define whether a venture is business or social?
✓ Examples of social initiatives
✓ Why be a social entrepreneur?
✓ The need for a business plan for a social venture
✓ The need for a marketing plan for a social venture
Module 27: Using artificial intelligence to develop a project
✓ Basic introduction to artificial intelligence tools
✓ Using AI tools to identify problems and needs suitable for project development
✓ Using AI tools to find solutions to those problems and needs
✓ Preparing a business plan using AI tools
✓ Using AI for planning and designing the project
✓ Using AI to plan realization stages - an action plan
✓ Presenting the project, including media and technological tools
✓ Preparing a marketing plan using AI tools
Additional sessions:
Lecture by a guest entrepreneur
Taking part in the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) in November every year.
The participants receive certificates at the end of the program.